Get a Life, Instant Acne Treatment Won"t Work For Everyone!
The number one question asked by acne patients is always, how to treat my acne? Why this, why that, does not work? Nearly every acne sufferers in today's world are searching for instant treatment, something that has not shown promising results for many even when promised.
Due to the increasing social impact, many acne sufferers searched for medication with instant impact, which, theoretically, can only be made possible to treat acne right on the acne spots.
This means that you are treating on the "effects" of the acne.
Some of this includes applying benzoyl peroxide on the acne spots.
However, products that "self proclaimed" to have instant success on acne treatment have so far been bombard with critics and has often been question for its effectiveness.
Not many individuals who said that they have used certain product that has enable them to have their acne treated within a day, something which many acne product companies has promises.
Besides, proclaims of enabling acne to be cure in a day are mostly unreliable.
After all, in today medical world, what works for you might not work the same for your friends, or even your relatives? Some might take a week to clear their acne, others might take months, it's just differs from each individuals.
It is not trustworthy to guarantee a one day cure for everyone.
Another thing is that for those treatment that is applied right on the acne spot, they only helps to reduce the "effects" of acne, it only hides your real acne problem, and it does not work on the cause of the acne.
In another word, your acne is not really cure from the roots and it will definitely come out.
It is up to you to decide which type of treatment you prefer.
Whether you want or treat it in a long run or just for one moment.
I know most of you reading must have yearned for short term treatment, but let me ask you back this question.
Is short term treatment a must for you? If it's not, why should you rely on those unreliable treatments which might work in a short term, instead of a more secure, more trustworthy and more reliable long term treatment?
Due to the increasing social impact, many acne sufferers searched for medication with instant impact, which, theoretically, can only be made possible to treat acne right on the acne spots.
This means that you are treating on the "effects" of the acne.
Some of this includes applying benzoyl peroxide on the acne spots.
However, products that "self proclaimed" to have instant success on acne treatment have so far been bombard with critics and has often been question for its effectiveness.
Not many individuals who said that they have used certain product that has enable them to have their acne treated within a day, something which many acne product companies has promises.
Besides, proclaims of enabling acne to be cure in a day are mostly unreliable.
After all, in today medical world, what works for you might not work the same for your friends, or even your relatives? Some might take a week to clear their acne, others might take months, it's just differs from each individuals.
It is not trustworthy to guarantee a one day cure for everyone.
Another thing is that for those treatment that is applied right on the acne spot, they only helps to reduce the "effects" of acne, it only hides your real acne problem, and it does not work on the cause of the acne.
In another word, your acne is not really cure from the roots and it will definitely come out.
It is up to you to decide which type of treatment you prefer.
Whether you want or treat it in a long run or just for one moment.
I know most of you reading must have yearned for short term treatment, but let me ask you back this question.
Is short term treatment a must for you? If it's not, why should you rely on those unreliable treatments which might work in a short term, instead of a more secure, more trustworthy and more reliable long term treatment?