How to Obtain a Valid Illinois State Teaching Certification
- 1). Attend an accredited university to obtain your bachelor's degree in education. Enroll in a student teaching internship or volunteer as a student teacher in order to apply for an Illinois certification.
- 2). Pass the Illinois basic skills test, also know as the ICTS test. In addition to the ICTS test, you must pass the Assessment of Professional Teaching test (APT test).
- 3). Register online with the Illinois Education Certification System (ECS). Educators in Illinois registered with this system can track the status of a certification as well as apply for a new certification. Once you have registered for an account with ECS, log into the system and click "Apply" under the "Certifications" tab located on your account home screen.
- 4). Complete the online application and submit a $30 money order or check to the regional Illinois State Board of Education certification office. You can get the address of the nearest location by contacting 866-262-6663. Once payment is received, the state of Illinois will issue you your certification if you are approved.