Twitter Marketing - 4 Easy Ways to Market Your Services on Twitter
Have you discovered Twitter? If you have a small business, you can use this social networking tool to stay in touch with your current customers, attract new ones, build traffic to your website, and brand your name.
The other day I was looking for a product I wanted to buy.
I'm in Australia, but I could only find the product on overseas websites.
After I'd ordered, I learned that the product did indeed have an Australian site.
It turns out that the company was new, and the only marketing they were doing was on Twitter.
I asked how that was working out for them.
They said they were doing great, because they were getting sales without spending any money at all on marketing.
This goes to show that even if you have no budget, Twitter is a great marketing tool.
I've heard many similar stories, of tiny companies using Twitter to establish themselves.
Let's look at ways in which you can market on Twitter.
Be Available: Respond to Questions About Your Services Twitter is instant communication.
Make sure that you run a search for your product name, your company name, and other keywords that people use to find you.
Save those searches, so you can track what's being said about you.
Respond as soon as you can to direct questions, as well as to anyone who mentions you.
Be Real: Tweet About Your Challenges Twitter isn't old-school marketing.
Don't rave about how wonderful your services are.
Instead, be human.
Remember that people use sites like Twitter as a diversion, they're not looking for information as much as they're looking for entertainment.
Therefore, tweet about your challenges, as well as about your successes.
Be Kind: Retweet Great Tweets "Retweeting" is when you repost a tweet that somebody else is made so that it gets a wider readership.
Everyone loves attention, and people will appreciate your retweets.
Be Enthusiastic: People Want and Need Your Positive Energy Remember that Twitter is all about entertainment.
Be enthusiastic, not only about your own products, but about life in general.
The other day I was looking for a product I wanted to buy.
I'm in Australia, but I could only find the product on overseas websites.
After I'd ordered, I learned that the product did indeed have an Australian site.
It turns out that the company was new, and the only marketing they were doing was on Twitter.
I asked how that was working out for them.
They said they were doing great, because they were getting sales without spending any money at all on marketing.
This goes to show that even if you have no budget, Twitter is a great marketing tool.
I've heard many similar stories, of tiny companies using Twitter to establish themselves.
Let's look at ways in which you can market on Twitter.
Be Available: Respond to Questions About Your Services Twitter is instant communication.
Make sure that you run a search for your product name, your company name, and other keywords that people use to find you.
Save those searches, so you can track what's being said about you.
Respond as soon as you can to direct questions, as well as to anyone who mentions you.
Be Real: Tweet About Your Challenges Twitter isn't old-school marketing.
Don't rave about how wonderful your services are.
Instead, be human.
Remember that people use sites like Twitter as a diversion, they're not looking for information as much as they're looking for entertainment.
Therefore, tweet about your challenges, as well as about your successes.
Be Kind: Retweet Great Tweets "Retweeting" is when you repost a tweet that somebody else is made so that it gets a wider readership.
Everyone loves attention, and people will appreciate your retweets.
Be Enthusiastic: People Want and Need Your Positive Energy Remember that Twitter is all about entertainment.
Be enthusiastic, not only about your own products, but about life in general.