These Basics Should Help In Your Quest For The Perfect Golf Swing
Becoming a good golfer is all about consistency.
If you are a beginning golfer you're going to hear this over and over.
You build consistency through repetition of good habits; habits that are going produce positive result on the golf course.
There are a thousand theories out there on how to improve your golf swing.
You'll sift your way through a lot of them in your quest to become a better golfer.
You'll know what 'feels' right to you when you try it.
Golf is an individual game.
Everyone is different.
But there are some basics that you're not going to want to forget.
These basics will help you build consistency and be something you can rely on when playing golf and when things may go awry on the golf course.
Here a few solid fundamentals you'll want to keep in mind along the way: 1) A solid base of balance.
That base begins in the middle of your body, moving both down to the lower body and up to the upper body.
You can feel if you're aligned properly by focusing on a place just above your waist, making sure the knees are flexed.
2) A steady head.
This doesn't mean your head is rigid throughout your swing either.
Keep your eyes in contact with the golf ball until after you've made impact.
3) A natural tempo that will carry your swing from the start to the finish of your follow-through.
4) Relaxed arms throughout.
Avoid tension here at all costs.
5) A complete backswing where the upper-body is coiled and prepared to fully enter the strike zone.
The coiling of the upper-body is in opposition to the solid base of resistance of the lower-body.
6) Initiate your golf swing with a balanced lower body.
The feet, knees, and hips will lead your arms, hands, and shoulders through the strike zone.
7) A full release of the club through your golf ball.
8) A complete and balanced follow-through.
9) A clearing of the mind after each shot no matter the result and a re-focusing to the next task at hand.
10) Enjoy the game and welcome the challenges golf presents.
That's why you're playing, isn't it? If you will keep these ten steps in mind as you progress on your golf journey, I think you find yourself becoming a better golfer and improving your golf swing.
If you are a beginning golfer you're going to hear this over and over.
You build consistency through repetition of good habits; habits that are going produce positive result on the golf course.
There are a thousand theories out there on how to improve your golf swing.
You'll sift your way through a lot of them in your quest to become a better golfer.
You'll know what 'feels' right to you when you try it.
Golf is an individual game.
Everyone is different.
But there are some basics that you're not going to want to forget.
These basics will help you build consistency and be something you can rely on when playing golf and when things may go awry on the golf course.
Here a few solid fundamentals you'll want to keep in mind along the way: 1) A solid base of balance.
That base begins in the middle of your body, moving both down to the lower body and up to the upper body.
You can feel if you're aligned properly by focusing on a place just above your waist, making sure the knees are flexed.
2) A steady head.
This doesn't mean your head is rigid throughout your swing either.
Keep your eyes in contact with the golf ball until after you've made impact.
3) A natural tempo that will carry your swing from the start to the finish of your follow-through.
4) Relaxed arms throughout.
Avoid tension here at all costs.
5) A complete backswing where the upper-body is coiled and prepared to fully enter the strike zone.
The coiling of the upper-body is in opposition to the solid base of resistance of the lower-body.
6) Initiate your golf swing with a balanced lower body.
The feet, knees, and hips will lead your arms, hands, and shoulders through the strike zone.
7) A full release of the club through your golf ball.
8) A complete and balanced follow-through.
9) A clearing of the mind after each shot no matter the result and a re-focusing to the next task at hand.
10) Enjoy the game and welcome the challenges golf presents.
That's why you're playing, isn't it? If you will keep these ten steps in mind as you progress on your golf journey, I think you find yourself becoming a better golfer and improving your golf swing.