How to Cure Clogged Pores
- 1). Exfoliate with salicylic or glycolic acid. These are both powerful acids that penetrate deep into pores to undo the bond that causes pores to become clogged with dead skin cells, oil and dirt. With regular use, you will notice a major difference in the appearance of your skin as well as reduction in the number of clogged pores. Use a cleanser or scrub containing at least 2 percent of these acids. See the Resources section for product information.
- 2). Get a microdermabrasion treatment about once a month. This is best done at either a dermatologist's office or a spa salon with licensed aestheticians. Microdermabrasion is basically manual unclogging of the pores using sophisticated machinery. For continuously clean pores, it's best to receive a treatment about once every 2 months or as needed.
- 3). Use a comedone extractor to cure clogged pores manually. One popular tool is a small stainless steel stick with a loop at one end. When pressed against the comedone, the tool gently pushes it out of the pore, thereby unclogging it. Don't press too hard against your skin, as you may accidentally injure yourself or leave a scar.
- 4). Develop a skincare routine and follow it twice a day. Every good skincare routine contains three essential steps: cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. Using a toner is optional. Use a gentle oil-free cleanser to remove surface dirt and oil, exfoliate with a scrub to remove dead skin cells that also pose a threat, then hydrate with an oil-free moisturizer to prevent over-drying. Over-drying can lead to increased oil production, which can then lead to even more clogged pores.
- 5). Use pore strips to remove blackheads and whiteheads and cure clogged pores. Biore and Pond's are two skincare brands that carry blackhead-removing strips to unclog pores. The strips are fairly easy to use; slightly wet the smooth side and press it down onto your skin, allow it to dry then it peel off slowly. The strips adhere to the skin while a special type of "glue" clings to the clogged pores, removing debris and hardened dirt and oil.