Hints for Blood Ties the Hidden Object Game
- You might have a heart as a clue, but on one screen it could be an anatomically correct model of a heart or a heart-shaped key chain. The object can also be a picture of the object, rather than the actual thing--always pay close attention to any paintings, posters or printed materials in the room. For example, in the café scene, you might have the letter "C" as a clue--it's actually part of a word, written on the chalkboard.
Keep an open mind concerning the appearance of the object. For example, an "Axe" could be one of those red fireman's axes, or a hatchet, or a Native American tomahawk.
Watch for clues that can have multiple meanings. A club could be a small wooden bat, or one of the suits in a deck of cards. For that matter, a bat could be a piece of baseball equipment or a flying creature.
Not all objects match the theme. Just because you're in the pharmacy, don't expect the mask to be a medical mask. It could be a tribal mask or a Halloween mask.
Pay close attention to any draperies or trim in the room. Often you can find items hiding in the baseboards, folds of cloth and even wallpaper patterns. Pay close attention to the ceiling, furniture and ornately decorated items. - Some of the locations repeat, so scan each location carefully. Even if an object does not appear on the clue list for one case, it might appear on another. If a case uses locations that you have been to before, go to those locations first. You'll get through them faster. Save the bulk of your time for the new location.
Pick up as many pentagrams as you can. They will help you collect hints for finding the objects. In some cases the pentagrams are highly visible; in others you might have to search a little. If you can't find one, don't worry, they appear in all the locations, so you'll always have the opportunity to find them.
Pause often. You might be surprised how many times you will look right at an object, but you just won't see it. Take a break, rest your eyes and try again.
If you time out or leave a location before you have found all of the items, the location will reset with a different list of clues. Some of the clues might repeat, and you might have better luck finding them the second time around.
Hints for Finding Objects
Basic Game-Play Strategies