Glass Recycling Facts
- There is a misconception that it is not as important to recycle glass as it is to recycle paper and aluminum. However, this simply is not true. Glass recycling saves more than 25 percent of the energy that would be necessary to make new glass materials.
- The reason most states elect to offer glass recycling programs is due in large part to how much glass Americans are throwing away every week. Americans throw away tens of millions of glass bottles and jars per year--enough glass products that could fill a skyscraper every 2 weeks.
- Every ton of glass that is created from raw materials that have not been recycled creates 27.8 lbs. of air pollution. Air pollution can be cut by more than 5 lbs. per ton by simply recycling at the rate we are currently recycling.
- Recycled glass allows us to not only employ people and reduce pollution, but it also allows for us to use our resources wisely. From recycled glass more products can be created. Recycled glass has created glassphalt, which is much like asphalt and used in more and more regions of the world as an alternative material as well as a source for sand that is much needed at many beaches suffering from erosion.
- Today most glass can be recycled. Most agencies simply pick up the glass products and sort them when they receive them. The specifics on how to recycle glass will vary from area to area. Many jurisdictions offer curbside pickup of any and all glass products, usually associated with regular garbage pickup from homes. Curbside glass recycling is not available everywhere, but your local garbage collection agency can tell you where to deposit your glass bottles and jars. You may even be able to receive a small sum for your glass recycling in some areas.
Reasons to Recycle Glass
The Impact of Glass Production on the Environment
Recycling Glass