What You Must Know About Golf Fitness Warm-Ups
As people live longer and longer, everyone is looking for ways to prolong the length of time that they are able to play golf.
Golf fitness considerations are a critical point that cannot be stressed enough.
Not only does your body require extensive range of motion with a golf swing, it also must utilize musculature in both the lower and upper body to properly swing a club.
However, one of the most effective ways you can extend the life and longevity of your game is also one of the simplest.
Sports medicine physicians generally recommend that golfers get 10 to 15 minutes of warm-up exercise before playing.
A good golf fitness warm-up routine could include across-body stretches for the shoulders and trunk, knee-to-chest rotations for the back and spine, and hamstring stretches for the legs.
The wrists are highly active joints in the game of golf, and although they don't require as much warm-up as other parts of the body, it is still good to loosen them up before playing.
One could grasp a soft rubber ball, squeeze - then slowly release the grip, followed by moving the wrist as far up and down as you can.
After warming up, move on to more sport-specific conditioning by practicing a slower version of your swing.
Start slowly with a nine iron, progressively increasing range and speed of the swing.
Once you reach a full swing with the nine iron, repeat using longer clubs.
Another beneficial way to increase the flexibility and prepare the body for a game of golf, is to take a short but brisk walk.
This will increase the flow of blood in your muscles and increase your core temperature - make the muscles more elastic.
Equipped with a solid knowledge of some basic golf fitness exercises that will help prolong the length of time you are able to play golf - I trust that you'll use this newfound knowledge and enjoy the game for many years to come.
Golf fitness considerations are a critical point that cannot be stressed enough.
Not only does your body require extensive range of motion with a golf swing, it also must utilize musculature in both the lower and upper body to properly swing a club.
However, one of the most effective ways you can extend the life and longevity of your game is also one of the simplest.
Sports medicine physicians generally recommend that golfers get 10 to 15 minutes of warm-up exercise before playing.
A good golf fitness warm-up routine could include across-body stretches for the shoulders and trunk, knee-to-chest rotations for the back and spine, and hamstring stretches for the legs.
The wrists are highly active joints in the game of golf, and although they don't require as much warm-up as other parts of the body, it is still good to loosen them up before playing.
One could grasp a soft rubber ball, squeeze - then slowly release the grip, followed by moving the wrist as far up and down as you can.
After warming up, move on to more sport-specific conditioning by practicing a slower version of your swing.
Start slowly with a nine iron, progressively increasing range and speed of the swing.
Once you reach a full swing with the nine iron, repeat using longer clubs.
Another beneficial way to increase the flexibility and prepare the body for a game of golf, is to take a short but brisk walk.
This will increase the flow of blood in your muscles and increase your core temperature - make the muscles more elastic.
Equipped with a solid knowledge of some basic golf fitness exercises that will help prolong the length of time you are able to play golf - I trust that you'll use this newfound knowledge and enjoy the game for many years to come.