The Cost of Eating Healthy
Imagine that there was a medicine that had been proven to reduce or eradicate cancer’s effects. Now imagine that you were unable to take that medicine because you simply weren’t able to afford it and your insurance company was not willing to help you pay for it.
That is the scenario that many cancer patients face – A healthy, "Cancer Free" diet has been proven to prolong cancer patients’ lives and even help them defeat their disease. Yet, even under normal circumstances, such a diet can be prohibitively expensive and there is no assistance available to make that diet more readily accessible.
Nutrition Vouchers are one way that to assist cancer patients in obtaining a diet that will assist them in fighting for their lives. is petitioning the 111th Congress to enact Nutrition Voucher legislation that will assist cancer patients in improving their diets.
Similar programs are already in effect across the country for senior citizens and pregnant women to ensure that these groups receive the nutrition that they need.
Good nutrition can be difficult for a cancer patient to obtain – not only is healthy food more expensive than sugary, processed foods but it also requires more knowledge and effort to prepare. Nutrition Vouchers will remove one obstacle that prevents cancer patients from eating a healthy, "Cancer Free" diet.
The Patient Bill of Rights includes Nutrition Vouchers as one of its 15 initiatives because good nutrition is such a powerful weapon against cancer.
Join in promoting Nutrition Vouchers for cancer patients.
That is the scenario that many cancer patients face – A healthy, "Cancer Free" diet has been proven to prolong cancer patients’ lives and even help them defeat their disease. Yet, even under normal circumstances, such a diet can be prohibitively expensive and there is no assistance available to make that diet more readily accessible.
Nutrition Vouchers are one way that to assist cancer patients in obtaining a diet that will assist them in fighting for their lives. is petitioning the 111th Congress to enact Nutrition Voucher legislation that will assist cancer patients in improving their diets.
Similar programs are already in effect across the country for senior citizens and pregnant women to ensure that these groups receive the nutrition that they need.
Good nutrition can be difficult for a cancer patient to obtain – not only is healthy food more expensive than sugary, processed foods but it also requires more knowledge and effort to prepare. Nutrition Vouchers will remove one obstacle that prevents cancer patients from eating a healthy, "Cancer Free" diet.
The Patient Bill of Rights includes Nutrition Vouchers as one of its 15 initiatives because good nutrition is such a powerful weapon against cancer.
Join in promoting Nutrition Vouchers for cancer patients.