What Is The Clicker Training Method?
Never heard of clicker training before? Tired of yelling and screaming at your dog every time he does something wrong or you want to get him to follow a command? Well, your solution may be in clicker training.
Clicker training is a form of dog training where you use a small box with a metal piece that makes a clicking sound when pressed and released.
Clicker training is the colloquial way of referring to this type of training, but actually the correct term would be operant conditioning.
So many of you may be wondering, what exactly is operant conditioning anyway? Do you remember Pavlov's bell experimentation with dogs by using a bell to indicate when it was chow time? The bell would be rung, and food would be given to the dog.
So, the dogs began to associate the bell ringing with food, causing them to salivate even when they were not given any food at all, but still heard that bell ring.
Essentially this is what clicker training is all about.
You give positive reinforcement for positive actions, and negative reinforcement for negative actions.
So how exactly is a clicker used to train a dog you ask? Clicker training is used to train your dog by sounding the mechanical "clicker", and saying a verbal command at the same time.
You only use the clicker during the training period, and eventually bridge the clicking sound with the command word.
Giving treats and rewarding good behavior are all a central point to this method of training.
Clicker training is known to be an especially fast and effective training method.
It's an immediate response to an action.
Dogs live in the moment and when that moment leaves, the positive association with the action may be gone with it.
Dogs have short attention spans, and with the constant clicking sound it will train them to be more attentive to your vocal commands.
Especially when they know that a treat is on the way.
More and more dog trainers are starting to recommend the clicker training method.
It is very gentle, and negative learning techniques are never used.
Only positive reinforcement and rewards.
You will never resort to harsh punishment or cruelty with this effective training method.
So where can you buy a clicker? Most major pet stores are now carrying the device, and you can definitely find them online.
The best about this training method is also that you will not end up spending very much, the clicker is cheap, and maybe a book and some treats to go with it.
Happy clicker training!
Clicker training is a form of dog training where you use a small box with a metal piece that makes a clicking sound when pressed and released.
Clicker training is the colloquial way of referring to this type of training, but actually the correct term would be operant conditioning.
So many of you may be wondering, what exactly is operant conditioning anyway? Do you remember Pavlov's bell experimentation with dogs by using a bell to indicate when it was chow time? The bell would be rung, and food would be given to the dog.
So, the dogs began to associate the bell ringing with food, causing them to salivate even when they were not given any food at all, but still heard that bell ring.
Essentially this is what clicker training is all about.
You give positive reinforcement for positive actions, and negative reinforcement for negative actions.
So how exactly is a clicker used to train a dog you ask? Clicker training is used to train your dog by sounding the mechanical "clicker", and saying a verbal command at the same time.
You only use the clicker during the training period, and eventually bridge the clicking sound with the command word.
Giving treats and rewarding good behavior are all a central point to this method of training.
Clicker training is known to be an especially fast and effective training method.
It's an immediate response to an action.
Dogs live in the moment and when that moment leaves, the positive association with the action may be gone with it.
Dogs have short attention spans, and with the constant clicking sound it will train them to be more attentive to your vocal commands.
Especially when they know that a treat is on the way.
More and more dog trainers are starting to recommend the clicker training method.
It is very gentle, and negative learning techniques are never used.
Only positive reinforcement and rewards.
You will never resort to harsh punishment or cruelty with this effective training method.
So where can you buy a clicker? Most major pet stores are now carrying the device, and you can definitely find them online.
The best about this training method is also that you will not end up spending very much, the clicker is cheap, and maybe a book and some treats to go with it.
Happy clicker training!