How to Plan a Pirate Theme Party
- 1). Design and send out invitations. Create yours to look like treasure chests, pirate ships, pirate hats or anything else. Use pirate "lingo" like "Ahoy mateys!" or "Arrgh, there's going to be a party!" Or create your invitations on regular 8-by-10 paper: Roll them up, tie them, put them in a glass bottle and hand-deliver them. Inform your guests that they may dress up as pirates if they wish.
- 2). Decorate your party using things like the skull and cross bones flag, fishing nets, ships, anchors and small treasure chests.
- 3). Serve seafood and make drinks like rum (if you're of age) or fruit punch (for kids). Make a treasure map cake--see Resources below for the recipe.
- 4). Provide party favors like eye patches, temporary tattoos, seashells, fake coin candy, bandannas and fake jewelry.
- 5). Host activities like a treasure hunt--with losers getting booby prizes--as well as squirt-gun fights and a walk-the-plank game in which guests spin around in a chair and try to walk a straight line created with a rug without falling off. Be sure to provide pillows and other soft objects in case of a fall. Pirate ship drawing contests are also fun.
- 6). Watch pirate-themed movies, like "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Cutthroat Island."