Descriptive Adjective - Adjectif descriptif - French Grammar Glossary
A descriptive adjective describes a quality of a noun or pronoun. Like other French adjectives, descriptive adjectives have to agree with the word they modify in gender and number.
bon, bonne, bons, bonnes - good
joli, jolie, jolis, jolies - pretty
jeune, jeunes - young
Related lessons:French adjectives
Related terms:noun - gender - number - pronoun - adjective - agreement
A descriptive adjective describes a quality of a noun or pronoun. Like other French adjectives, descriptive adjectives have to agree with the word they modify in gender and number.
bon, bonne, bons, bonnes - good
joli, jolie, jolis, jolies - pretty
jeune, jeunes - young
Related lessons:French adjectives
Related terms:noun - gender - number - pronoun - adjective - agreement