The Hebrew Calendar - Part 2
In part 1 of our series on the Hebrew Calendar we saw how the Hebrew calendar has a different number of days in a year than the Gregorian calendar.
The twelve month Hebrew year has 354 days, eleven or twelve less than the Gregorian calendar.
In seven years out of a nineteen year cycle, a thirteenth month is added to make up for the lost time.
In the third, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth and nineteen years out of a nineteen year cycle there are thirteen months.
The Hebrew calendar months alternate between 29 and 30 days: Nisan - 30 days Iyar - 29, Sivan - 30, Tamuz - 29, Av - 30, Elul - 29, Tishri - 30, Heshvon - 29, Kislev - 30, Tevet - 29, Shevat - 30, Adar - 29/30, Adar II - 29 In a twelve month year, the month of Adar has twenty-nine days.
In a leap-year (thirteen month year), Adar has thirty and Adar II (the added thirteenth month) has 29.
So the twelfth month, Adar can have either 29 or 30 dayss depending on if the year is a leap year or not.
With that reasoning the Hebrew year can have either 354 or 384 days.
Now we need to begin to see if we can see how close we can come to reconciling the number of days between the two calendars.
Although some have had loosely said the number of days matches up over nineteen years, that is not exactly the case, there is a slight difference.
Let's see how close they come.
2425 = 6,939.
530588 x 12 (months) = 6,732.
53088) = 206.
97 + 206.
71 = 6,939.
68 The Gregorian and modified lunar calendars thus reconcile to within .
07 of a day over nineteen years.
68 - 6,939.
71 =.
07 Summary: Nineteen Year Cycle: Gregorian (Solar) Calendar Days per year = 365.
2425 In 19 years = 6,939.
61 Hebrew (Lunisolar) Calendar Days per month = 29.
530588 Per Year (12-month yr.
) = 354.
367056 Per Year (13-month yr.
) = 383.
897644 Total in 12 12-month years = 12 x 354.
37 = 4,252.
40 Total in 7 13-month years = 7 x 383.
90 = 2,687.
28 Total in 19 = 6,939.
68 Difference over 19 years =.
07 day Part 3 of this series will discuss the significance of.
07 of a day plus a couple more tid-bits of information.
The twelve month Hebrew year has 354 days, eleven or twelve less than the Gregorian calendar.
In seven years out of a nineteen year cycle, a thirteenth month is added to make up for the lost time.
In the third, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth and nineteen years out of a nineteen year cycle there are thirteen months.
The Hebrew calendar months alternate between 29 and 30 days: Nisan - 30 days Iyar - 29, Sivan - 30, Tamuz - 29, Av - 30, Elul - 29, Tishri - 30, Heshvon - 29, Kislev - 30, Tevet - 29, Shevat - 30, Adar - 29/30, Adar II - 29 In a twelve month year, the month of Adar has twenty-nine days.
In a leap-year (thirteen month year), Adar has thirty and Adar II (the added thirteenth month) has 29.
So the twelfth month, Adar can have either 29 or 30 dayss depending on if the year is a leap year or not.
With that reasoning the Hebrew year can have either 354 or 384 days.
Now we need to begin to see if we can see how close we can come to reconciling the number of days between the two calendars.
Although some have had loosely said the number of days matches up over nineteen years, that is not exactly the case, there is a slight difference.
Let's see how close they come.
- A lunar month is actually 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.
8 seconds.
This is how long it takes the moon to circle the earth and is what lunar months are based on.
In decimal format this is 29.
530587963 days. - Twelve lunar months make up 354.
37 days.
Twelve months on the Gregorian calendar are 365.
2425 days. - The number of days in the Gregorian calendar over nineteen year is:
2425 = 6,939.
- The number of days in a twelve-month lunar calendar over nineteen years is:
530588 x 12 (months) = 6,732.
- In the modified lunar (lunisolar) calendar, the Jews insert a thirteenth month (Adar II) in seven years out of every nineteen year cycle.
The additional number of days accounted for by this thirteenth month is:
53088) = 206.
- When we add the number of days in nineteen, twelve-month lunar calendar years to the days added during the seven years when there are thirteen months we have:
97 + 206.
71 = 6,939.
68 The Gregorian and modified lunar calendars thus reconcile to within .
07 of a day over nineteen years.
68 - 6,939.
71 =.
07 Summary: Nineteen Year Cycle: Gregorian (Solar) Calendar Days per year = 365.
2425 In 19 years = 6,939.
61 Hebrew (Lunisolar) Calendar Days per month = 29.
530588 Per Year (12-month yr.
) = 354.
367056 Per Year (13-month yr.
) = 383.
897644 Total in 12 12-month years = 12 x 354.
37 = 4,252.
40 Total in 7 13-month years = 7 x 383.
90 = 2,687.
28 Total in 19 = 6,939.
68 Difference over 19 years =.
07 day Part 3 of this series will discuss the significance of.
07 of a day plus a couple more tid-bits of information.