The Mammogram Myth
OK ladies. This is a MUST read. You can keep burying your head in the sand about mammograms, or you can take a look at the facts. The truth about the side effects has become clearer as more independent research and data is collected.
Is mammography safe?
Does mammography save lives?
Is mammography necessary?
Are there other safer options?
If you really want the answers to these questions, you will have to keep an open mind and step outside of the box for a moment. Think about it... since when is radiation safe? Radiation causes DNA damage and low, repeated doses of radiation (LORD) have been proven to cause cancer.
Let's face it. Cancer is big business and mammograms are a spoke in the wheel that drives business to the hospitals, surgeons and drug companies.
I cannot tell you how many women I personally know that have gone through torturous procedures and repeated mammograms because of a "suspicious" shadow in the x-ray. These women are then subjected to painful biopsies with titanium implants inserted into their breasts, without their consent or knowing.
The worry, the fear and the physical pain were all for nothing, when they get the diagnosis of a false positive. What is that supposed to mean? Yet, the pink movement and the government agencies keep driving the mammogram business without any thought about the damage they are doing.
Of course, early detection is very important... the earlier the better. There are ways to stop cancer before it starts!
1) Thermography is a gentle, non-invasive and pain free way to monitor the physiology of your breast tissue.
2) There are blood tests that can detect cancer on cellular level BEFORE they are detected with the traditional tumor markers.
3) Follow The 7 Essentials so you never have to fear cancer again.
Be proactive by making informed decisions for your body. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as "Dr. V," has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979.
Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
After 30 years in active practice, she decided to "retire" and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials, a step-by-step coaching program.
Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.
Is mammography safe?
Does mammography save lives?
Is mammography necessary?
Are there other safer options?
If you really want the answers to these questions, you will have to keep an open mind and step outside of the box for a moment. Think about it... since when is radiation safe? Radiation causes DNA damage and low, repeated doses of radiation (LORD) have been proven to cause cancer.
Let's face it. Cancer is big business and mammograms are a spoke in the wheel that drives business to the hospitals, surgeons and drug companies.
I cannot tell you how many women I personally know that have gone through torturous procedures and repeated mammograms because of a "suspicious" shadow in the x-ray. These women are then subjected to painful biopsies with titanium implants inserted into their breasts, without their consent or knowing.
The worry, the fear and the physical pain were all for nothing, when they get the diagnosis of a false positive. What is that supposed to mean? Yet, the pink movement and the government agencies keep driving the mammogram business without any thought about the damage they are doing.
Of course, early detection is very important... the earlier the better. There are ways to stop cancer before it starts!
1) Thermography is a gentle, non-invasive and pain free way to monitor the physiology of your breast tissue.
2) There are blood tests that can detect cancer on cellular level BEFORE they are detected with the traditional tumor markers.
3) Follow The 7 Essentials so you never have to fear cancer again.
Be proactive by making informed decisions for your body. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as "Dr. V," has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979.
Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
After 30 years in active practice, she decided to "retire" and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials, a step-by-step coaching program.
Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.