Alternatives to Sweet 16 Candles
- If she insists on sixteen candles to commemorate her years, consider individual birthday candles with a flare, such as oddly shaped candles, multi-colored candles, character candles or decorate the candles by gluing on sequins or faux gems. Instead of sixteen individual candles, decorate one larger candle in her honor or use a candle in the shape of the number sixteen. Another option is to use individual letter candles and spell out "Sweet Sixteen."
- Bring fireworks to the sweet sixteen celebration by using sparkler birthday candles, instead of traditional birthday candles. When lit, a sparkler candle resembles a Fourth of July sparkler, instead of producing a candle flame. Sparkler candles are more in theme with the energy and spirit of the sweet sixteen celebration than a traditional birthday candle.
- If the intent is to transform the birthday cake into a cake extravaganza, consider using two novelty birthday candles. The Magical Birthday Candle is a brand name for a novelty birthday candle with movable parts. It resembles a single flower bud and when lit it blazes flame-like as its petals open, revealing eight candles, each perched on a flower petal. With two magic candles, you have sixteen lit petals. It isn't just a light show; the Magical Candle includes a musical rendition of "Happy Birthday."
- Forget the candles entirely and focus on a spectacular cake topping. Use fondant or candy to shape an edible sixteen, or fashion the cake to resemble a car, if the birthday girl plans to get her driver's license after her birthday celebration. To add non-flame light to a car-shaped cake or cake ornament, wrap plastic wrap around two miniature flashlights. When serving the cake, turn on the flashlights, and carefully push them into the cake to serve as the car's lit headlights. Depending on the size of the small flashlights, you may need to dig out a bit of the edible car, to make room for the mock headlights.
Non-Traditional Candles
Sparkler Candles
Novelty Candles