Bridal Shower Ideas Are Always Fresh
Don't be anxious that the bridal shower plans that were used a decade ago aren't up to date because these ideas find a fresh new face for each generation.
The same can be said for stored decorations.
Paper party supplies with a new bridal shower theme will liven up those old stored items.
If a neighbor or relative has stored items like plastic tablecloths or themed party trays these are new to the young people of this year.
Maybe cake toppers or even ceramic or glass items used to decorate for a bridal shower from twenty years ago will do.
Stored wedding decorations from long ago can be brought out for the same occasion.
Even items found at clearance or flea market and yard sales can be scrubbed up to make money go a bit further.
Weddings are very expensive and the bridal shower shouldn't add a lot to that price tag.
Left over organzas, silks, crepe paper streamers and centerpieces can be freshened up for a bridal shower.
This is one area where corners can be cut just a tad and the money used for more pressing matters.
The bridal shower should be fun! Weddings are nerve racking for all involved and this is one time when frazzled nerves can be calmed.
Keep conversation and party activities low key.
Nervous brides are beginning to get major cold feet at this stage and will probably need major reassurance.
This is not the time for any perfectionist tendencies! Have a good time with new friends and old alike.
A basic game plan rather than a strict or confining schedule should be used here.
Flexible is the operative word.
A garden party with a little chardonnay would be a new twist and would encourage everyone to relax and enjoy this happy occasion.
The same can be said for stored decorations.
Paper party supplies with a new bridal shower theme will liven up those old stored items.
If a neighbor or relative has stored items like plastic tablecloths or themed party trays these are new to the young people of this year.
Maybe cake toppers or even ceramic or glass items used to decorate for a bridal shower from twenty years ago will do.
Stored wedding decorations from long ago can be brought out for the same occasion.
Even items found at clearance or flea market and yard sales can be scrubbed up to make money go a bit further.
Weddings are very expensive and the bridal shower shouldn't add a lot to that price tag.
Left over organzas, silks, crepe paper streamers and centerpieces can be freshened up for a bridal shower.
This is one area where corners can be cut just a tad and the money used for more pressing matters.
The bridal shower should be fun! Weddings are nerve racking for all involved and this is one time when frazzled nerves can be calmed.
Keep conversation and party activities low key.
Nervous brides are beginning to get major cold feet at this stage and will probably need major reassurance.
This is not the time for any perfectionist tendencies! Have a good time with new friends and old alike.
A basic game plan rather than a strict or confining schedule should be used here.
Flexible is the operative word.
A garden party with a little chardonnay would be a new twist and would encourage everyone to relax and enjoy this happy occasion.