Steps in Caring for Your New Ferret
Did you know that the English translation for the scientific name for Ferret is "Stinky Thief".
Ferrets have a strong body odor, due to their scent glands that are used to attract mates.
They are also known for stealing food and children's toys.
A Ferret does require a well-ventilated home with a solid floor.
The habitat should be large enough for a food dish, water bowl and a hiding house.
The right sized home will allow for separate areas for eating, sleeping, exercising and eliminations.
A multi level home is preferred as they provide additional space for exercising.
Ferrets are social animals and can live in groups or pairs.
Remember to allow extra room if you own more than 1 ferret.
Ferrets love to play and exercise, they enjoy hard plastic toys as well cloth toys.
Tunnels are also a favorite item.
Just remember, soft rubber and foam toys must not be given to ferrets.
When outside the habitat, your pet can enjoy exercise in a exercise pen or take him for a walk on a leash.
Ferrets can be very easily litter trained.
There are corner litter pans available from pet retailers and these should be placed in a corner away from food and water.
There are many different types of litter available.
The best for ferrets are pine, aspen or recycled paper, please do not use Cedar shavings.
The litter pan and bedding should be spot cleaned daily and completely changed once a week.
Ferret are very inquisitive and outgoing and will bond strongly with their pet parents.
Ferrets are sound sleepers, who sleep during the day and may not wake up if picked up and carried around.
Ferrets are carnivores and require a diet high in protein.
Pellets should always be placed in their food bowl and not directly on the bedding.
All food and water bowls should be cleaned out daily.
You can offer you pet Papaya, bananas and melon once a week as a treat.
When you purchase your ferret just remember that it will take 3-4 days for them to get used to their new surroundings and environment.
Please try and wait 3-4 days before handling your new friend, all the while you should be monitoring her behavior for any signs of excessive stress or illness.
Things to watch for that are signs of excessive stress are bare patches of fur, diarrhea, or/and lethargic behavior.
You have made a great choice in a new pe.
, most of all enjoy your new member of the family.
Ferrets have a strong body odor, due to their scent glands that are used to attract mates.
They are also known for stealing food and children's toys.
A Ferret does require a well-ventilated home with a solid floor.
The habitat should be large enough for a food dish, water bowl and a hiding house.
The right sized home will allow for separate areas for eating, sleeping, exercising and eliminations.
A multi level home is preferred as they provide additional space for exercising.
Ferrets are social animals and can live in groups or pairs.
Remember to allow extra room if you own more than 1 ferret.
Ferrets love to play and exercise, they enjoy hard plastic toys as well cloth toys.
Tunnels are also a favorite item.
Just remember, soft rubber and foam toys must not be given to ferrets.
When outside the habitat, your pet can enjoy exercise in a exercise pen or take him for a walk on a leash.
Ferrets can be very easily litter trained.
There are corner litter pans available from pet retailers and these should be placed in a corner away from food and water.
There are many different types of litter available.
The best for ferrets are pine, aspen or recycled paper, please do not use Cedar shavings.
The litter pan and bedding should be spot cleaned daily and completely changed once a week.
Ferret are very inquisitive and outgoing and will bond strongly with their pet parents.
Ferrets are sound sleepers, who sleep during the day and may not wake up if picked up and carried around.
Ferrets are carnivores and require a diet high in protein.
Pellets should always be placed in their food bowl and not directly on the bedding.
All food and water bowls should be cleaned out daily.
You can offer you pet Papaya, bananas and melon once a week as a treat.
When you purchase your ferret just remember that it will take 3-4 days for them to get used to their new surroundings and environment.
Please try and wait 3-4 days before handling your new friend, all the while you should be monitoring her behavior for any signs of excessive stress or illness.
Things to watch for that are signs of excessive stress are bare patches of fur, diarrhea, or/and lethargic behavior.
You have made a great choice in a new pe.
, most of all enjoy your new member of the family.