What Are the Best Feeders for Finches?
- Hopper feeders are popular, functional, hanging feeders shaped like traditional birdhouses. Birdseed is stored inside and dispensed for the finches on demand into the feeder port via gravity until it is empty. Hopper feeders protect the finches from inclement weather and predators while feeding and protect the birdseed from bird droppings and moisture.
- A sock feeder is a simple, hanging mesh bag filled with finch birdseed. Finches enjoy perching on the sides, clinging on while feeding. Finches often feed upside down on a sock feeder, which is amusing to watch. Sock feeders can be bought pre-filled with finch seed mix.
- Finches are social birds who like to eat in groups.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Long, thin tube-shaped feeders, called tube feeders or finch feeders, have numerous perches and pegs. They are designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard; some can hold up to 18 finches at one time. - Place feeders near shrubs, bushes or trees so finches can easily take cover if they are frightened while feeding. Like all birds, finches like to feed near water; if possible, place a birdbath near your feeder. Fill feeders with thistle seeds or specially formulated finch seed mix. Finches do not eat as much in the fall or winter.
Hopper Feeder
Sock Feeder
Tube Feeder
Feeder Placement