Emotional Bank Accounts
The Cost of an Emotionally Full Bank Account..
How much is it worth? Were you one of those eager to get started with your family parents who started planning for the baby well ahead of time, preparing the nursery area, getting clothes ready, buying the right car seat, and stocking away money for college or the unknown? Most people are good at the first part, and then when it comes to the savings, that gets a little bit harder, am I right? There are many parents out there who are torn as to whether or not they can afford to save for their children to go to college because they are unsure of the state of social security and are now thinking about their own retirement and how much to save for that.
Often they are finding it is very tough to contribute let alone to both at the same time! It gets very overwhelming but if we take little steps now to prepare for the future often it is not as hard as we think it will be.
Have you ever heard that if Ben age 19 had invested $2,000 into a fund that yielded compound interest at 8% for eight years until he is 30 years old, that he would get to retire at age 65 with what would now be worth over 2 million dollars? Ben only spent $2,000 8 times and then the interest carried him the rest of the way! Those were some very important little steps he made! Boy, can you imagine if all of us at 19 knew to do that how much less worrying we would have to endure in the future!?! Like Ben's initial $2,000 the little changes can add up to great transformations- actually millions in his case! So if we were to make a small, positive shift in our behavior with our family it too is likely to create a ripple effect of change through our family life.
If we were to try and make some small changes now- let's say for example, talking to our children more about how they feel...
what kind of result do you think that would leave? Could your child feel like a million bucks knowing that they are loved, appreciated and respected? Let's go now, think of some things that we can do in our own situation, and ask yourself this: What can I do to make my child's life a better one? What small steps can I take now, that will have the most impact for my child in the future? Will it be ending the outbursts and poor behavior? Would it be allowing my child the freedoms to express him/herself through hobbies and interests or would it be preparing for life after high school.
If he or she will not be going to college, what can I save for to help him/her to be more successful? What kind of things can I do now that will have the most impact later? I believe investing emotionally in our children is what will get you there...
taking the time to talk to them, let them know they are heard and appreciated.
Wouldn't you feel like a million bucks if you had all of your emotional needs met? And lastly, think about what is the cost of doing nothing? What kind of relationship will you end up having with your child if you do not invest that time and energy into them now? Will it be worth millions? If you don't think so, contact me and find out ways you too can have children with an emotional bank account that is full!!
How much is it worth? Were you one of those eager to get started with your family parents who started planning for the baby well ahead of time, preparing the nursery area, getting clothes ready, buying the right car seat, and stocking away money for college or the unknown? Most people are good at the first part, and then when it comes to the savings, that gets a little bit harder, am I right? There are many parents out there who are torn as to whether or not they can afford to save for their children to go to college because they are unsure of the state of social security and are now thinking about their own retirement and how much to save for that.
Often they are finding it is very tough to contribute let alone to both at the same time! It gets very overwhelming but if we take little steps now to prepare for the future often it is not as hard as we think it will be.
Have you ever heard that if Ben age 19 had invested $2,000 into a fund that yielded compound interest at 8% for eight years until he is 30 years old, that he would get to retire at age 65 with what would now be worth over 2 million dollars? Ben only spent $2,000 8 times and then the interest carried him the rest of the way! Those were some very important little steps he made! Boy, can you imagine if all of us at 19 knew to do that how much less worrying we would have to endure in the future!?! Like Ben's initial $2,000 the little changes can add up to great transformations- actually millions in his case! So if we were to make a small, positive shift in our behavior with our family it too is likely to create a ripple effect of change through our family life.
If we were to try and make some small changes now- let's say for example, talking to our children more about how they feel...
what kind of result do you think that would leave? Could your child feel like a million bucks knowing that they are loved, appreciated and respected? Let's go now, think of some things that we can do in our own situation, and ask yourself this: What can I do to make my child's life a better one? What small steps can I take now, that will have the most impact for my child in the future? Will it be ending the outbursts and poor behavior? Would it be allowing my child the freedoms to express him/herself through hobbies and interests or would it be preparing for life after high school.
If he or she will not be going to college, what can I save for to help him/her to be more successful? What kind of things can I do now that will have the most impact later? I believe investing emotionally in our children is what will get you there...
taking the time to talk to them, let them know they are heard and appreciated.
Wouldn't you feel like a million bucks if you had all of your emotional needs met? And lastly, think about what is the cost of doing nothing? What kind of relationship will you end up having with your child if you do not invest that time and energy into them now? Will it be worth millions? If you don't think so, contact me and find out ways you too can have children with an emotional bank account that is full!!