How to Embarrass Your Teenager
- 1). Sing and dance to their music. Yes, that's right, put on "Lean like a Chollo", put on a pair of sunglasses and start leaning against the walls of your house. Wait quietly. Eventually, your teen will take the bait and ask what you're doing. Calmly state that you are leaning like a Chollo.
- 2). Sing and dance to YOUR music, which appears to be even worse than dancing to their music. Whether it's Tom Jones, Meatloaf or Debbie Gibson, throw on some blue eye shadow and jam like there's no tomorrow. Extra points for men who do this. Do it openly, loudly, proudly. When they look at you in shock, invite them to join you.
Scream out, "Hey Micky, you're so fine, you're so fineyoublowmymind-HEY MICKEY!" - 3). Do a combination of steps one and two above when they bring their friends over. This increases the embarrassment exponentially. Remind them of how cool you are, and that they don't know what "real" music is. Continue enjoying yourself to their dismay.
- 4). The next time your teen dresses strangely, challenge them to a fashion contest. Take out some of your old clothes and parade around the house in them. Then, decide that you need something from the store and take your teen with you.