The correlation between smoking and your weight
Have you ever wondered why so many people gain weight when they quit smoking? Well it's not really a mystery. As soon as you've quit smoking you generally need something else to occupy the void of not having nicotine in your life anymore. When I started using smoke remedy and finally gave up on cigarettes, I gained around 10 lbs. in a month. Luckily I'm quite slim so it wasn't really a problem but many people have weight problems after they've quit smoking.
To replace the cravings from cigarettes to the cravings for food is quite natural. Whilst I was using smoke remedy I ended up eating a lot of chocolate instead of smoking. It kind of worked! I managed to quit smoking for good but then developed a slight obsession with chocolate.
This isn't the case for everyone who uses smoke remedy though; you can use it and not have any other cravings for food. It's usually all dependent on the individual. A lot of people will chew gum in an attempt to prevent cravings for food. This is a very good idea and if you don't want to put on any weight after you've quit smoking then my advice would be to have a pack of gum on standby wherever you go.
One thing I noticed when I quit smoking was that my taste came back. Even while I was spraying smoke remedy every time I wanted to light up, I was still cravings foods that I hadn't eaten for a while. By stopping smoking I ended up rekindling my appetite for some very tasty cuisine that I normally wouldn't be able to properly taste because my taste buds had been clouded with smoke, tar and nicotine!
If you want to stop smoking then my advice is this; get yourself a bottle of smoke remedy and use it every time you feel tempted to light one up. Have a packet of chewing gum or maybe a bag of nuts on standby for when you have cravings. Make sure your replacing your nicotine cravings with cravings for healthy good.
To replace the cravings from cigarettes to the cravings for food is quite natural. Whilst I was using smoke remedy I ended up eating a lot of chocolate instead of smoking. It kind of worked! I managed to quit smoking for good but then developed a slight obsession with chocolate.
This isn't the case for everyone who uses smoke remedy though; you can use it and not have any other cravings for food. It's usually all dependent on the individual. A lot of people will chew gum in an attempt to prevent cravings for food. This is a very good idea and if you don't want to put on any weight after you've quit smoking then my advice would be to have a pack of gum on standby wherever you go.
One thing I noticed when I quit smoking was that my taste came back. Even while I was spraying smoke remedy every time I wanted to light up, I was still cravings foods that I hadn't eaten for a while. By stopping smoking I ended up rekindling my appetite for some very tasty cuisine that I normally wouldn't be able to properly taste because my taste buds had been clouded with smoke, tar and nicotine!
If you want to stop smoking then my advice is this; get yourself a bottle of smoke remedy and use it every time you feel tempted to light one up. Have a packet of chewing gum or maybe a bag of nuts on standby for when you have cravings. Make sure your replacing your nicotine cravings with cravings for healthy good.