Bioabsorbable Scaffolds for Obstructive CAD
Bioabsorbable Scaffolds for Obstructive CAD
Dramatic advances in bioabsorbable materials and technology have delivered the potential for a fully absorbable scaffold, which is able to mechanically support the coronary artery for a predetermined time period. In our opinion, this forward leap in technology is probably greater than the remaining challenge of fine-tuning the design of these scaffolds to match the initial performance and handling characteristics of conventional metallic stents.
However, it remains to be demonstrated whether bioabsorbable scaffolds can truly restore vascular integrity and function. If scaffolds are able to deliver a physiological result which is superior to metallic stents and crucially this difference translates into a tangible benefit for our patients, we may find ourselves in years to come reminiscing on the passing of the '(non-absorbable) metallic stent era'.
Dramatic advances in bioabsorbable materials and technology have delivered the potential for a fully absorbable scaffold, which is able to mechanically support the coronary artery for a predetermined time period. In our opinion, this forward leap in technology is probably greater than the remaining challenge of fine-tuning the design of these scaffolds to match the initial performance and handling characteristics of conventional metallic stents.
However, it remains to be demonstrated whether bioabsorbable scaffolds can truly restore vascular integrity and function. If scaffolds are able to deliver a physiological result which is superior to metallic stents and crucially this difference translates into a tangible benefit for our patients, we may find ourselves in years to come reminiscing on the passing of the '(non-absorbable) metallic stent era'.