How Do I Know If My Child Has Diabetes?
When you look at a kid with diabetes, you can never tell if they have it, since they look pretty healthy on the outside.
Early detection of diabetes helps to prevent fatal complications that occur for kids with diabetes.
The disease brings about a high level of glucose in the blood.
As sugar is relatively high, in time, complications arise such as blindness, kidney failure, heart problems and severe nerve damage can occur.
One of the causes of diabetes is the lack of insulin in the blood.
Children with diabetes, have an abnormal pancreas.
The pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin needed by the body and in some cases, not being able to produce any insulin at all.
The life of your child depends on parents who proactively monitor their child's health.
To be able to recognize the signs of the disease, below is a list which you can take note of and see if your child is having any of them.
Symptoms of Diabetes in kids are: * Frequent thirst * Frequent urinary tract infections * Blurry vision * Extreme hunger * Frequent urination * Cuts/bruises that heal slowly * Tingling sensation/numbness on hands and feet * Sudden weight loss * Irritability A word of advice, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Have your kids regularly checked by a pediatrician.
Blood tests and a urinalysis would be advisable, to be able to see if your child is a diabetic.
Recent studies show that there are two primary factors which contribute to the rise in kids with diabetes: 1) Lack of physical activities in children.
2) Unhealthy food.
Today's lifestyle of fast-food meals, TV, computers, and hand-held games has put kids at risk of developing symptoms of diabetes in children.
Early detection of diabetes helps to prevent fatal complications that occur for kids with diabetes.
The disease brings about a high level of glucose in the blood.
As sugar is relatively high, in time, complications arise such as blindness, kidney failure, heart problems and severe nerve damage can occur.
One of the causes of diabetes is the lack of insulin in the blood.
Children with diabetes, have an abnormal pancreas.
The pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin needed by the body and in some cases, not being able to produce any insulin at all.
The life of your child depends on parents who proactively monitor their child's health.
To be able to recognize the signs of the disease, below is a list which you can take note of and see if your child is having any of them.
Symptoms of Diabetes in kids are: * Frequent thirst * Frequent urinary tract infections * Blurry vision * Extreme hunger * Frequent urination * Cuts/bruises that heal slowly * Tingling sensation/numbness on hands and feet * Sudden weight loss * Irritability A word of advice, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Have your kids regularly checked by a pediatrician.
Blood tests and a urinalysis would be advisable, to be able to see if your child is a diabetic.
Recent studies show that there are two primary factors which contribute to the rise in kids with diabetes: 1) Lack of physical activities in children.
2) Unhealthy food.
Today's lifestyle of fast-food meals, TV, computers, and hand-held games has put kids at risk of developing symptoms of diabetes in children.