Three Way Hooker
A hooker is a woman that sells her body for some sort of advantage, it could be economic, social, or psychological. It is often thought that a hooker is a woman that takes money from a man in exchange for sexual favors, but that is only one of the ways that a hooker operates. The others ways are more subtle and go unnoticed, but they are still called hooking.
Economic Hooking
Taking money from a man in exchange for sexual favors. This includes a marriage that is formed for the sole purpose of economic gain. Most marriages are in this category. Having sex with the boss in exchange for a raise or better working conditions is clearly selling your body. Being wined and dined or accepting expensive gifts from men is a popular form of hooking. There are many other ways that a youthful looking woman can get a freebie.
Social Hooking
Climbing up the social ladder by having sex with men in positions of power has been tried successfully by many curvy hookers. Dating men in uniform will also add to their social prestige. Having many lovers in order to increase a woman's popularity in bars or dance halls is another favorite for social hookers. These are clear cases of selling your body for social gain and they work well. Many social hookers have become the head of organizations and hold political office by becoming the mistress of a well connected politician. A young vagina that is properly placed is the key to social success.
Psychological Hooking
Jealousy is the foundation of the mind of a woman. She is jealous of what other women have. This is because she has no feelings for beauty or tastes of her own. Her goal is to take away the possessions of other women and she will sell her body to get them. The favorite target of the psychological hooker is a married man. It drives a hooker crazy to see another woman with a quality husband. She will commit the freakiest sexual acts in order to break up the marriage. Once the marriage is broken up the psychological hooker loses interest in the man. But if the guy is rich or socially prominent the hooker will keep him around.
It is no fault of the hooker for being what she is. Nature gave her an attractive body for a tool to use in any way she sees fit. The horny man is fortunate to have what the hooker wants. That is why he works so hard to construct a life that is desired by the prettiest of hookers.
Economic Hooking
Taking money from a man in exchange for sexual favors. This includes a marriage that is formed for the sole purpose of economic gain. Most marriages are in this category. Having sex with the boss in exchange for a raise or better working conditions is clearly selling your body. Being wined and dined or accepting expensive gifts from men is a popular form of hooking. There are many other ways that a youthful looking woman can get a freebie.
Social Hooking
Climbing up the social ladder by having sex with men in positions of power has been tried successfully by many curvy hookers. Dating men in uniform will also add to their social prestige. Having many lovers in order to increase a woman's popularity in bars or dance halls is another favorite for social hookers. These are clear cases of selling your body for social gain and they work well. Many social hookers have become the head of organizations and hold political office by becoming the mistress of a well connected politician. A young vagina that is properly placed is the key to social success.
Psychological Hooking
Jealousy is the foundation of the mind of a woman. She is jealous of what other women have. This is because she has no feelings for beauty or tastes of her own. Her goal is to take away the possessions of other women and she will sell her body to get them. The favorite target of the psychological hooker is a married man. It drives a hooker crazy to see another woman with a quality husband. She will commit the freakiest sexual acts in order to break up the marriage. Once the marriage is broken up the psychological hooker loses interest in the man. But if the guy is rich or socially prominent the hooker will keep him around.
It is no fault of the hooker for being what she is. Nature gave her an attractive body for a tool to use in any way she sees fit. The horny man is fortunate to have what the hooker wants. That is why he works so hard to construct a life that is desired by the prettiest of hookers.