Up Time, Down Time
Every moment's a precious gift to be used to its full potential.
But don't you ever get periods (hours, days, even weeks) when you just want to allow time to pass doing nothing particular at all? We all do, and there's no need to feel guilty.
As human beings we are creatures of limited energy existing for a while within a universe of infinite potential.
We each have to determine how we allocate our time and resources to best serve our particular life path.
Over time our physical and emotional energies fluctuate.
During "up time" we're firing on all cylinders, pressing ahead with existing projects and enthusiastically launching new ones.
Everything moves at such a place that we may be less attuned to the voice of the infinite, which although omnipresent, can be dwarfed by our internal mental activity.
Eventually we all come to down time.
Our minds and bodies tell us to slow down, maybe even stop awhile.
No one can be "up" all the time; if we try we face the possibility of burnout, mental and/or physical fatigue and enforced rest due to the ensuing problems.
Down time isn't wasted time.
By doing nothing particular at all we allow the voice of the infinite to be heard.
It's good to chill awhile, to become the proverbial couch potato, to submit to one's cravings, to simply be.
By not actively trying to be or do anything we recharge our energies, open our hearts and minds to new inspiration and once more see the wood from the trees.
But don't you ever get periods (hours, days, even weeks) when you just want to allow time to pass doing nothing particular at all? We all do, and there's no need to feel guilty.
As human beings we are creatures of limited energy existing for a while within a universe of infinite potential.
We each have to determine how we allocate our time and resources to best serve our particular life path.
Over time our physical and emotional energies fluctuate.
During "up time" we're firing on all cylinders, pressing ahead with existing projects and enthusiastically launching new ones.
Everything moves at such a place that we may be less attuned to the voice of the infinite, which although omnipresent, can be dwarfed by our internal mental activity.
Eventually we all come to down time.
Our minds and bodies tell us to slow down, maybe even stop awhile.
No one can be "up" all the time; if we try we face the possibility of burnout, mental and/or physical fatigue and enforced rest due to the ensuing problems.
Down time isn't wasted time.
By doing nothing particular at all we allow the voice of the infinite to be heard.
It's good to chill awhile, to become the proverbial couch potato, to submit to one's cravings, to simply be.
By not actively trying to be or do anything we recharge our energies, open our hearts and minds to new inspiration and once more see the wood from the trees.