Definition: to plug in, connect, link up
Il faut brancher la télé afin de la regarder - You have to plug in the TV in order to watch it
Mon ordinateur n'est pas encore branché sur l'internet - My computer isn't connected to the internet yet
Related: branché (informal adj) - switched-on, cool; le branchement - plugging-in, connection
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [bra(n) shay]
Il faut brancher la télé afin de la regarder - You have to plug in the TV in order to watch it
Mon ordinateur n'est pas encore branché sur l'internet - My computer isn't connected to the internet yet
Related: branché (informal adj) - switched-on, cool; le branchement - plugging-in, connection
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [bra(n) shay]