Talon Lodge offers the best salmon fishing according the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Talon Lodge offers the best salmon fishing according the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
In an ongoing study of Alaska Sport Fishing and the average rod hours it takes for a sport fisherman to catch an Alaska King Salmon or Alaska Silver Salmon, Sitka again ranks first as the best Salmon Fishing destinations throughout Alaska.
The most recent study states that Sitka Fishing is almost twice as productive as the closest rival destination. The average rod hours for catching a King Salmon in June are less than 5-hours. The average rod hours for catching a Silver Salmon in August are less than 2 hours. By contrast, the average rod hours for catching a King Salmon in Juneau are 9 hours
When is the best time for anglers to visit Talon Lodge and fish for Kings?
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, in their annual report for the Sitka Fishing area: Fishing improves greatly with the spring weather in late April, but prime time is from late May through the month of June. Anglers targeting King Salmon may have catch rates of just under 5-hours per fish harvested (0.2 fish per hour) in June. Catch rates fall with the beginning of the commercial troll fishery in July, although good king salmon fishing continues throughout the summer.Salmon Fishing
Alaska fishing in Sitka provides for King Salmon bound for spawning grounds and weighing up to 70 lbs from April through June. The average catch is 25 to 30 lbs.
From July through September, Silver Salmon (Coho) are the most plentiful sport fish caught in the Sitka Sound area. Coho Salmon start showing up in June, but really start to group in July. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Their availability and catch rates rise through Mid-August. In early to mid-September they start to head toward their home streams and congregate near the estuaries they left as smolt 17 months earlier.
This migration provides Talon Lodge guests with two great fishing opportunities. The saltwater fishing for Silver (Coho) Salmon is fantastic with less than 2 rod hours per fish and the freshwater Fly Fishing is also fantastic. Whether you are a saltwater sport fishing enthusiast or an avid fly fisherman, the Coho fishing provided by Talon Lodge is unmatched.
In addition to Alaska's best salmon fishing, Talon, an Alaska Lodge, provides a Sitka fishing experience that includes Halibut Fishing from May through September; Ling Cod Fishing from May 15-June 15 and again from August 15 through September 15; Yellow-Eye Fishing from May through September; and Alaska Rockfish from May through September.
Talon Lodge also provides the most exclusive Alaska Fishing Lodge experience with exceptional gourmet cuisine, gracious accommodations and a spectacular private island location.
In an ongoing study of Alaska Sport Fishing and the average rod hours it takes for a sport fisherman to catch an Alaska King Salmon or Alaska Silver Salmon, Sitka again ranks first as the best Salmon Fishing destinations throughout Alaska.
The most recent study states that Sitka Fishing is almost twice as productive as the closest rival destination. The average rod hours for catching a King Salmon in June are less than 5-hours. The average rod hours for catching a Silver Salmon in August are less than 2 hours. By contrast, the average rod hours for catching a King Salmon in Juneau are 9 hours
When is the best time for anglers to visit Talon Lodge and fish for Kings?
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, in their annual report for the Sitka Fishing area: Fishing improves greatly with the spring weather in late April, but prime time is from late May through the month of June. Anglers targeting King Salmon may have catch rates of just under 5-hours per fish harvested (0.2 fish per hour) in June. Catch rates fall with the beginning of the commercial troll fishery in July, although good king salmon fishing continues throughout the summer.Salmon Fishing
Alaska fishing in Sitka provides for King Salmon bound for spawning grounds and weighing up to 70 lbs from April through June. The average catch is 25 to 30 lbs.
From July through September, Silver Salmon (Coho) are the most plentiful sport fish caught in the Sitka Sound area. Coho Salmon start showing up in June, but really start to group in July. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Their availability and catch rates rise through Mid-August. In early to mid-September they start to head toward their home streams and congregate near the estuaries they left as smolt 17 months earlier.
This migration provides Talon Lodge guests with two great fishing opportunities. The saltwater fishing for Silver (Coho) Salmon is fantastic with less than 2 rod hours per fish and the freshwater Fly Fishing is also fantastic. Whether you are a saltwater sport fishing enthusiast or an avid fly fisherman, the Coho fishing provided by Talon Lodge is unmatched.
In addition to Alaska's best salmon fishing, Talon, an Alaska Lodge, provides a Sitka fishing experience that includes Halibut Fishing from May through September; Ling Cod Fishing from May 15-June 15 and again from August 15 through September 15; Yellow-Eye Fishing from May through September; and Alaska Rockfish from May through September.
Talon Lodge also provides the most exclusive Alaska Fishing Lodge experience with exceptional gourmet cuisine, gracious accommodations and a spectacular private island location.