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Discuss Death

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Discuss Death.

First let us consider the terrorists , as individuals, though many may agree with me. The positive thing of these individuals is their commitment to the task assigned. Their attitude towards their assignment was foremost / ultimate importance. Death was in no way an impediment to their work. They were sure of death. They knew that they would be killed in action. They were sure that they may not see the light on the next day. They gave their ultimate dedication to the work assigned to them only because they knew that they may no see the sunrise on the next day. They were not afraid of death and were prepared for it any time. Also think the mental state and the commitment of the suicide bombers. Knowing that they will die the next moment they do their work with devotion. Let us leave aside the fact that they were brainwashed etc etc. A soldier will be in that same state but he will have a desire to live and go back to his family. But these terrorists were desireless and fearless.

Everyone knows that death is the ultimate reality and everyone have to see it ourselves one or the other day. But unfortunately we fear death. The very word evokes fear that it is very horrible. We avoid our children to even see the dead bodies. We cannot shield them from death but we shield them from the thought of death. we consider it bad omen to talk death and we consider that  as something bad and we try to avoid the person who talks about death openly. we consider it as pessimism and negative thoughts. even people who have lost their near and dear ones will try to avoid talking about death in their life. The ultimate and funniest joke is that we fear that death may fall upon us if we discuss, talk or even think about it.

It is hypocritical to think that death is ultimate reality when we do not want to think and discuss about the beauty of death, the importance of death. Jiddu has so beautifully discussed this reality. Separating life and death is like wanting to separate milk from water which only hamsa, parama hamsa has separated. After that he was convinced that both are absolutely same and no difference whatsoever exists between lie and death. A person who is ready to die will be the one ever ready to live life lively and will live life happily always.

We have totally separated life and death. The person who knows death will live for the moment and in the moment. Most of the great philosophers including Sri Ravishankar say that we must not harp over the past and think to much of the future. Live in the moment. Purandara says that human life is greatest boon and do not waste it. This is indirectly saying that death can beautifully come any moment in any way. No doctor with the highest level of knowledge about any of the diseases will assure any person that he will escape the patient from death. He says that he will do his best and rest is for the control of the almighty or a power that controls death.

Man is basically hypocrite. he always has double standards. he want others to be good only where he is good. Make him aware of his standards and he gets angry because he will have double standards. He always justify his action to his logic and ethics.

Then why we fear to talk about death?.

The basic reason for us to avoid talking about death is we do not want to die. we want to live endlessly. We know that we cannot. But we do not want to be convinced about that. We want all the pleasures of this world and go on experiencing that endlessly. Another reason is that we do not want to know that there is life after death. So we want to enjoy everything in the present life itself. Hindu scriptures say that this life is only part of the cosmos. Even staunch Hindus do not want to believe this and they do not want to die. Are they not hypocrites ?

Any person committed to that moment of life will live the life fullest only when he is convinced that he will die any moment. Mohammed the prophet had said that every morning after I get up I have to convince ourselves that I will die that day. I will not do any mistake because we may die that day. I will not harm anyone because next day I may not be there. I will not utter a lie because next day everyone will know it was a lie and it cannot become a truth. I will not get angry for anything on anyone because what is the use when I will not be there the next day. I will not accumulate wealth when I know that next day I may not be there to spend it. Such a noble thought.

We cannot and must not separate life and death. Normal death is inevitable and the only thing that cannot be avoided by any force on the earth. It is the only thing which comes totally unexpected and takes everyone by surprise. Death is the most beautiful thing that can happen for the living being. An event that passes from the known to the unknown and also from the unknown to the known. An event that frees from all bondage, desires and attachments. An event that teaches that we do not take anything with us always. An event that shows us that nothing is permanent. An event that stops even the shadow to follow us. An event that allows us to become one with the cosmos which can also be called as God.

A Yogi who leads his life as per the Ashtanga yoga will know what death is. He accepts death attaching equal importance to it as much as his own life. He will know what life is. He will live in this moment. He will do only good. He will always think good of others. He knows that soul / atma has no barriers of body. Atma is sat chit ananda. Always in state of perfect happiness. He will know that he has to overcome the 6 bad things in life that can camouflage atma. Those are kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsara. The one who knows the omnipresent, omnipotent atma will not fear death.

He realizes that this life is only a means to see the ultimate reality that is atma. He will see god in everything in this universe because nothing camouflages him. He sees real in everything. Shankara said agnana will make the man presume the rope as snake. Only with the held of the light i.e. knowledge will he see that it is only a rope and not a snake. The importance of knowledge in seeing real atma which is in the state of satchitananda was very effectively professed by Shankara. He felt that the knowledge was the ultimate reality. In the bhajagovindam first shloka Shankara also says that in the old age we have to try to see the real atma in everything because death will be near and to be ready to accept death will make us happy. This was the same case with Vivekananda.

But there are many great people who had professed bhakthi to see this real atma. Meera, paramahamsa, shishunala sharifa were people who saw bhakthi as the means of salvation. All these three had the vision of the ultimate reality and they saw death as the most beautiful thing that can teach a lesson. They know their death.

So knowing death and being ready for it can make us happy because we live for that moment. We will be convinced that next moment may not be ours. So let us not fear to talk about death and see death. Let us be everyready to see, talk and discuss death.


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