Unsubstantiated Theories About God and the Dreams of Men
One can easily see how a building collapses when it is built of inferior products.
If constructed by those without knowledge of the correct procedure in the first place its future is rather shaky.
When man put together his notions of the meaning of life they were constructed of the imagination and not of any meaningful or insightful theories.
Like the house erected by the novice the walls are supported by side shoots, propped up with doctrines and they stand on the foundation of ignorance.
For its survival the god of man's dreams has developed many supports while violence rules its acceptance.
No one can remove the basic development, however, as too many others are involved.
So the layers of corruption are tacked on and underneath it all its roots are crumbling.
These are the feed channels that started in sun worship and have taken on major proportions through the advances in writing, creation of books, adherence to false doctrines and the work of two men who are the beasts of Revelation 13.
The final layer of acceptance is provided by the clones of those who failed to step aside from the formula and who have added their own dreams to those already existing.
They gained financial rewards and prestige from the organisations that have everything to lose if the truth is revealed.
With memory of my reincarnation pushing to be exposed it was necessary to wait until the full picture was revealed to me by the Spirit.
There is only the one spiritual power and creative force and it resides within those who are called the Children of God.
They were established in the beginning of what has been called the Day of the Lord and were sent into religious organisations to be strengthened in their spirituality.
They have been caught by the man-made gods until they see the light.
That light is Spirit and it is promised to glow brightly at the end of the Day when the things of the two beasts will be removed.
They put up images that have been called Sons of God and Savior Gods but are nothing but creation for power and control.
Emperor Constantine invented the image of Jesus Christ (Revelation 13:13-18) and forced everyone to worship it or be killed.
Offshoots of his organisation have kept the image while discarding most of the remainder of what the Catholic Church stands for.
In the end it is archaeology, linguistics and the total lack of any evidence of his existence outside of the New Testament that is a trap to remove him.
This book was compiled by Jerome, a founding father of the Catholic Church, and he possibly wrote some of it, such as the Book of Matthew.
It is completely unsubstantiated and claims made about his arrival are impossible, such as a virgin birth.
His so-called mother, Mary, is an old term for the sun and it means 'mother's powerful eye'.
It is from sun-worship that man has formed his gods and created a world of deceit, corruption and is responsible for the destruction of life and the things that are now killing the world.
If constructed by those without knowledge of the correct procedure in the first place its future is rather shaky.
When man put together his notions of the meaning of life they were constructed of the imagination and not of any meaningful or insightful theories.
Like the house erected by the novice the walls are supported by side shoots, propped up with doctrines and they stand on the foundation of ignorance.
For its survival the god of man's dreams has developed many supports while violence rules its acceptance.
No one can remove the basic development, however, as too many others are involved.
So the layers of corruption are tacked on and underneath it all its roots are crumbling.
These are the feed channels that started in sun worship and have taken on major proportions through the advances in writing, creation of books, adherence to false doctrines and the work of two men who are the beasts of Revelation 13.
The final layer of acceptance is provided by the clones of those who failed to step aside from the formula and who have added their own dreams to those already existing.
They gained financial rewards and prestige from the organisations that have everything to lose if the truth is revealed.
With memory of my reincarnation pushing to be exposed it was necessary to wait until the full picture was revealed to me by the Spirit.
There is only the one spiritual power and creative force and it resides within those who are called the Children of God.
They were established in the beginning of what has been called the Day of the Lord and were sent into religious organisations to be strengthened in their spirituality.
They have been caught by the man-made gods until they see the light.
That light is Spirit and it is promised to glow brightly at the end of the Day when the things of the two beasts will be removed.
They put up images that have been called Sons of God and Savior Gods but are nothing but creation for power and control.
Emperor Constantine invented the image of Jesus Christ (Revelation 13:13-18) and forced everyone to worship it or be killed.
Offshoots of his organisation have kept the image while discarding most of the remainder of what the Catholic Church stands for.
In the end it is archaeology, linguistics and the total lack of any evidence of his existence outside of the New Testament that is a trap to remove him.
This book was compiled by Jerome, a founding father of the Catholic Church, and he possibly wrote some of it, such as the Book of Matthew.
It is completely unsubstantiated and claims made about his arrival are impossible, such as a virgin birth.
His so-called mother, Mary, is an old term for the sun and it means 'mother's powerful eye'.
It is from sun-worship that man has formed his gods and created a world of deceit, corruption and is responsible for the destruction of life and the things that are now killing the world.