Do it Yourself Organic Pest Control
- 1). Pour a thin line of diatomaceous earth along the back inside edges of cupboards, underneath and atop the edges of cabinets, behind your refrigerator and under furniture. This substance will kill most bugs that come in contact with it, but it isn't harmful to people or animals. Use it outside your home around patios and doors as well.
- 2). Cut up cucumbers and put piles of 5 or 6 cucumber slices in the corners of cupboards and around any places you have come across pests. Cucumber is a good deterrent for pests like cockroaches and ants. Place on countertops in bowls to even serve as a fresh-smelling centerpiece while keeping pests at bay.
- 3). Soak a small cloth in cedar oil, then wrap it around a few bay leaves. Tie up your cloth to make a satchel and place in closets and drawers. These ingredients will not only repel bugs like cockroaches, but they also are effective in keeping moths from attacking clothing.
- 4). Mix ½ cup of corn syrup with 1½ tablespoons each of regular and brown sugar. Cut 10-inch strips from a brown paper bag and let them sit in this mixture for 10 minutes, then lay strips out on wax paper to dry for 8 hours. Hang strips anywhere flies or other flying pests like mosquitoes are a problem, and the strips will catch the flying nuisances.