How to Check the ID Number of Your Census Bureau Worker to Verify
- 1). Request the Census Bureau worker's name, identification number, supervisor contact information and the name and number of the regional office he works for. Write the information down to reference later.
- 2). Visit the official website of the Census Bureau. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Fraudulent Activity & Scams" within the "Special Topics" category.
- 3). Read the information regarding fraudulent activity and scams to decipher whether or not you may be a victim of one. Click "Regional Office" under the section "How To Report Scams and Bogus Census Web Sites."
- 4). Click the state you live in on the map to pull up your regional office information. Click "How to Identify a Census Field Representative." This page includes a direct phone number to contact your regional office for verification.
- 5). Call the regional office and ask for the supervisor's name that the census worker gave you. Ask if the Census Bureau has a field representative working in your area with the name and ID number that you received.