The Use of Didgeridoos By the Aborigines
- According to author Joe Cheal, in his book "The Didgeridu: A Guide," the instrument's name actually comes from white settlers who named the didgeridoo based on the sound it makes when played. Contrary to popular belief, the playing of the didgeridoo seems to have been isolated to Aboriginal tribes located in the northern tip of the country, and is not played by Aborigines in other parts of Australia. Based on detailed cave paintings in that region, Australian anthropologist George Chaloupka believes the didgeridoo to have originated a little over 1000 years ago.
- According to author and archeologist Josephine Flood, the myth of the Rainbow Serpent is the oldest continuous myth/religious belief in human history. First appearing between 7000 and 9000 years ago, when rising sea levels caused Aboriginal tribes to move further inland, the Rainbow Serpent was believed responsible for the rain that caused the flooding. Tribes such as the Gunwinggu believe that singing to the Rainbow Serpent through the use of the didgeridoo will summon the serpent's spirit, bringing with it much-needed rain.
- The Aboriginal people have no written language. With no way of passing down a tribe's history through a written account, Aborigines use songs to tell the story of their people. Songmen and didgeridoo players often travel to different villages together, and sing of myths and tribal history. The didgeridoo also plays an important role in such ceremonies as funerals, clan songs and initiations, according to Cheal. One of the most important initiation ceremonies is the Djungguwan ceremony, which marks the transition from boyhood to manhood.
- According to author Virginia Luling in her book "Aborigines," the didgeridoo is also used in hunting. Luling explains that when making an emu trap, the Aborigines create a corridor of netting and bushes, with one end open and the other end blocked. A didgeridoo player will sit hidden behind the bushes at the closed end of the corridor, and imitate the emu's call with the instrument. Drawn by the call, a curious emu will wander down the corridor, allowing the Aborigines to spring the trap and catch the emu in the netting.
History of the Didgeridoo
The Rainbow Serpent
Songs and Ceremonies