Data loss prevention in plain english
Backing up your critical data is very important. Many online firms offer cheap solutions to this problem,and there are also many low cost or no cost (free) software programs to solve this problem.
When you first bought your computer, it was fast. Now it seems to be super slow and you've gotten freeze's that caused you to cut the power to your computer and lose any unsaved work you had going at the time.
The bad news is that everyone will tell you that you need computer repair that is going to be very expensive,well this is not true in most cases.
There are some basic things you can do to keep your computer running smooth and your data safe from destruction. These two common tasks are using the Scan Disk and Disk Defragmenter functions in the computer's system utilities. This will decrease the chances of hard disk failure by keeping the data on the drive uncluttered,and the surface of the disk good condition.
Antivirus protection is another way to avoid costly computer repair. There are tons of good Antivirus softwares out there,from protecting a single laptop to a small business network, to a corporate infrastructure. It is up to you to choose according to needs.
Basic backing up of your data to an external hard drive,USB Memory stick, flash-drive, CD, DVD, Tape or DLT,is just a fancy way of saying make a copy of your data, (ALL YOUR STUFF THAT YOU WANT TO KEEP FOREVER)and put it somewhere SAFE for later.
Most operating systems like windows 95,all the way to windows vista,have a backup utility built into the system tools,you just have decide how much information you need to copy,(backup)and what media can handle that volume for the amount of money you can spend.
Example: Most computers and laptops have CD/DVD burners,that combined with $20.00 worth of blank CD/DVD ROM's, and you can backup an enormous amount of data (STUFF)Others may choose to purchase an external hard drive,flash-drive,tape drive, etc., it's totally up to you and what you need. There is no right or wrong way to store your backed up information.
In closing,if you back up your stuff before hand it doesn't matter what happens to your computer,you always have your STUFF!
I am Big Roy and this exactly what I tell my friends and family,but you can find a world of information about these types of things on my blog.
When you first bought your computer, it was fast. Now it seems to be super slow and you've gotten freeze's that caused you to cut the power to your computer and lose any unsaved work you had going at the time.
The bad news is that everyone will tell you that you need computer repair that is going to be very expensive,well this is not true in most cases.
There are some basic things you can do to keep your computer running smooth and your data safe from destruction. These two common tasks are using the Scan Disk and Disk Defragmenter functions in the computer's system utilities. This will decrease the chances of hard disk failure by keeping the data on the drive uncluttered,and the surface of the disk good condition.
Antivirus protection is another way to avoid costly computer repair. There are tons of good Antivirus softwares out there,from protecting a single laptop to a small business network, to a corporate infrastructure. It is up to you to choose according to needs.
Basic backing up of your data to an external hard drive,USB Memory stick, flash-drive, CD, DVD, Tape or DLT,is just a fancy way of saying make a copy of your data, (ALL YOUR STUFF THAT YOU WANT TO KEEP FOREVER)and put it somewhere SAFE for later.
Most operating systems like windows 95,all the way to windows vista,have a backup utility built into the system tools,you just have decide how much information you need to copy,(backup)and what media can handle that volume for the amount of money you can spend.
Example: Most computers and laptops have CD/DVD burners,that combined with $20.00 worth of blank CD/DVD ROM's, and you can backup an enormous amount of data (STUFF)Others may choose to purchase an external hard drive,flash-drive,tape drive, etc., it's totally up to you and what you need. There is no right or wrong way to store your backed up information.
In closing,if you back up your stuff before hand it doesn't matter what happens to your computer,you always have your STUFF!
I am Big Roy and this exactly what I tell my friends and family,but you can find a world of information about these types of things on my blog.