Using a Table Top Heater For Your Patio Or Backyard
When it starts getting cold out do you abandon your backyard or patio or attempt to heat it? There are plenty of options available, including outdoor fireplaces and pits, table top heaters, and larger floor standing heaters.
I like table top heaters as they are compact, warm quickly, are economical, and work quickly.
Also being usually at a table top level they warm your upper body and hands quickly and do it well.
Compared to larger outdoor heaters, they take up far less space.
Some small patios and landings won't accommodate a larger unit and an outdoor fire device may be inappropriate.
A table top heater just sits on top of the table you probably already have there and takes very minimal space.
Very commonly they are either the best choice or the only one that makes any sense.
There are several other advantages too.
They are light and easy to move that also means it's easy to take them indoors when not in use, extending their life.
They usually run on propane, meaning no natural gas or other line needs to be run to them and there is no worry of anyone tripping on electrical cords nor concern over where to plug in the cord.
These can be pretty significant advantages.
They also produce a bit of light which can be a big advantage.
No need for another light or lantern once it starts getting dark.
Usually people go in if it gets dark in the winter but with these it never gets entirely dark as they emit some light.
Although these don't heat as well as larger units, they are usually sufficient for those around the table, and if not you can always use two units.
You can of course also put on a sweater of jacket as well if needed.
My cousin and I had one of these and used it throughout a winter in Northern New England.
Of course if it was snowing or blowing hard, or perhaps below zero, we still stayed inside, but it greatly extended our out door season and allowed us to comfortably sit outside sometimes even during the dead of winter.
I'm a fan of table top heaters, and although I don't need one now as my children run me ragged outdoors & when it's cold, once they are a bit older I shall invest in another one and sit and enjoy the outdoors far more often
I like table top heaters as they are compact, warm quickly, are economical, and work quickly.
Also being usually at a table top level they warm your upper body and hands quickly and do it well.
Compared to larger outdoor heaters, they take up far less space.
Some small patios and landings won't accommodate a larger unit and an outdoor fire device may be inappropriate.
A table top heater just sits on top of the table you probably already have there and takes very minimal space.
Very commonly they are either the best choice or the only one that makes any sense.
There are several other advantages too.
They are light and easy to move that also means it's easy to take them indoors when not in use, extending their life.
They usually run on propane, meaning no natural gas or other line needs to be run to them and there is no worry of anyone tripping on electrical cords nor concern over where to plug in the cord.
These can be pretty significant advantages.
They also produce a bit of light which can be a big advantage.
No need for another light or lantern once it starts getting dark.
Usually people go in if it gets dark in the winter but with these it never gets entirely dark as they emit some light.
Although these don't heat as well as larger units, they are usually sufficient for those around the table, and if not you can always use two units.
You can of course also put on a sweater of jacket as well if needed.
My cousin and I had one of these and used it throughout a winter in Northern New England.
Of course if it was snowing or blowing hard, or perhaps below zero, we still stayed inside, but it greatly extended our out door season and allowed us to comfortably sit outside sometimes even during the dead of winter.
I'm a fan of table top heaters, and although I don't need one now as my children run me ragged outdoors & when it's cold, once they are a bit older I shall invest in another one and sit and enjoy the outdoors far more often