How to Make Your Ex Want You Again - This Simple Tactic Is Often Overlooked
If you're desperately trying to get your ex back, and you're failing miserably, you could be missing a very important part of the equation.
That vital component you could be neglecting is the fact that love and attraction is not always a logical choice and that we humans are governed by the same instincts as other animals.
Though your ex may want to give it another go, they simply don't feel that attraction towards you.
Have you ever wondered why some people stay with abusive partners? They have every reason in the world to leave, yet they stay and endure emotional, and sometimes physical, abuse.
Of course, they may be scared to leave, but the truth is that a good majority still feel some sort of primal attraction towards their mate.
On the other hand, if your ex left you for no apparent reason, there's a good chance that they no longer feel attraction towards you.
Not many of us are able to get it right when it comes to the laws that govern attraction.
To us, it just doesn't make logical sense.
You would think that being kind and attentive would ensure a strong and loving relationship that lasts.
But, often, that's not the case.
If nothing seems to be working at the moment, you may want to stop for a second and think about what led to the breakup in the first place.
This behavior could be exactly what is causing your problem right now.
Do you have a "nice guy" personality? While there's nothing wrong with this, you should realize that "nicing" someone to death is not going to create attraction.
In fact, you should be creating scarcity by not paying so much attention to your ex.
Scarcity is going to create curiosity, interest, and maybe eventually desire.
We all want what we can't have.
We, as humans, tend to devalue that which is easily obtainable.
So give this a try: act as though getting your ex back is no big deal.
Convince yourself that your life will be just fine without him/her.
Once you take the importance away from the situation, and you start acting accordingly, you may be surprised at how quickly they start coming around.
That vital component you could be neglecting is the fact that love and attraction is not always a logical choice and that we humans are governed by the same instincts as other animals.
Though your ex may want to give it another go, they simply don't feel that attraction towards you.
Have you ever wondered why some people stay with abusive partners? They have every reason in the world to leave, yet they stay and endure emotional, and sometimes physical, abuse.
Of course, they may be scared to leave, but the truth is that a good majority still feel some sort of primal attraction towards their mate.
On the other hand, if your ex left you for no apparent reason, there's a good chance that they no longer feel attraction towards you.
Not many of us are able to get it right when it comes to the laws that govern attraction.
To us, it just doesn't make logical sense.
You would think that being kind and attentive would ensure a strong and loving relationship that lasts.
But, often, that's not the case.
If nothing seems to be working at the moment, you may want to stop for a second and think about what led to the breakup in the first place.
This behavior could be exactly what is causing your problem right now.
Do you have a "nice guy" personality? While there's nothing wrong with this, you should realize that "nicing" someone to death is not going to create attraction.
In fact, you should be creating scarcity by not paying so much attention to your ex.
Scarcity is going to create curiosity, interest, and maybe eventually desire.
We all want what we can't have.
We, as humans, tend to devalue that which is easily obtainable.
So give this a try: act as though getting your ex back is no big deal.
Convince yourself that your life will be just fine without him/her.
Once you take the importance away from the situation, and you start acting accordingly, you may be surprised at how quickly they start coming around.