Mayberry is Becoming a Thing of the Past
Coming from overtime in the office, you walked towards the parking lot to get your car.
You glanced at your watch and noticed that it is almost midnight.
While you were just a few inches away from your car, some filthy robber grabs your handbag out of nowhere.
Shocked and irritated by the attacker, you immediately held your pepper spray pager and blasted him in the face.
Without a doubt, the mugger instantly fell to his knees, crying incessantly, gasping for air, coughing continuously and completely incapacitated.
There have been many incidents like these that happen mostly to women who are always perceived as weak and defenseless.
If you have not had an encounter with an aggressor, consider yourself very lucky.
However, you can not always depend on luck alone.
What choices do you have to make sure that you are protected if you encounter an attacker? You can buy pepper spray, or a pistol.
Most of us do not want a lethal weapon.
Besides most business and office buildings have band having a pistol on the premises.
There are many good reasons for selecting a pepper spray to defend you.
It is an efficient yet safe way to startle your attacker, allowing you to flee.
When carrying pepper spray, you are much less likely to come under question.
In most locations, it is legal to walk around with pepper spray for self-defense purposes.
Before deciding on a pepper spray check with your local jurisdiction first.
It can be carried around day to day without question, some pepper sprays are disguised as lipstick containers or pagers.
Additionally, it is easy to carry and use, and requires no special training.
Most pepper sprays on the market are women-friendly and never bulky.
So small and handy, you can simply throw it in your purse or put it in your pocket, always accessible whenever you need it most.
Robbery, muggings and violent crime used to be reported mainly from lager populated cities.
However, the risk of being a victim of a crime is not limited to these areas anymore.
States cities and towns have numerous reports of robbery, muggings, and other violent crimes every year.
Our Mayberry's are becoming a thing of the past.
Crime is a fact of life that each and everyone should keep in mind every day.
You should consider some sort of protection; pepper spray is by far safer and easier to use than a pistol.
They range all the way from a half ounce keychain models all the way to one pound models.
There are different formulas and delivery patterns to use in different conditions.
The stream and fogger models should be used indoors or in low wind conditions.
The foam and gel are designed to use when there is wind or a chance that he spray will blow back on you.
Whichever your need, there is a solution out there for you.
You glanced at your watch and noticed that it is almost midnight.
While you were just a few inches away from your car, some filthy robber grabs your handbag out of nowhere.
Shocked and irritated by the attacker, you immediately held your pepper spray pager and blasted him in the face.
Without a doubt, the mugger instantly fell to his knees, crying incessantly, gasping for air, coughing continuously and completely incapacitated.
There have been many incidents like these that happen mostly to women who are always perceived as weak and defenseless.
If you have not had an encounter with an aggressor, consider yourself very lucky.
However, you can not always depend on luck alone.
What choices do you have to make sure that you are protected if you encounter an attacker? You can buy pepper spray, or a pistol.
Most of us do not want a lethal weapon.
Besides most business and office buildings have band having a pistol on the premises.
There are many good reasons for selecting a pepper spray to defend you.
It is an efficient yet safe way to startle your attacker, allowing you to flee.
When carrying pepper spray, you are much less likely to come under question.
In most locations, it is legal to walk around with pepper spray for self-defense purposes.
Before deciding on a pepper spray check with your local jurisdiction first.
It can be carried around day to day without question, some pepper sprays are disguised as lipstick containers or pagers.
Additionally, it is easy to carry and use, and requires no special training.
Most pepper sprays on the market are women-friendly and never bulky.
So small and handy, you can simply throw it in your purse or put it in your pocket, always accessible whenever you need it most.
Robbery, muggings and violent crime used to be reported mainly from lager populated cities.
However, the risk of being a victim of a crime is not limited to these areas anymore.
States cities and towns have numerous reports of robbery, muggings, and other violent crimes every year.
Our Mayberry's are becoming a thing of the past.
Crime is a fact of life that each and everyone should keep in mind every day.
You should consider some sort of protection; pepper spray is by far safer and easier to use than a pistol.
They range all the way from a half ounce keychain models all the way to one pound models.
There are different formulas and delivery patterns to use in different conditions.
The stream and fogger models should be used indoors or in low wind conditions.
The foam and gel are designed to use when there is wind or a chance that he spray will blow back on you.
Whichever your need, there is a solution out there for you.