World of Warcraft - DPS Roles in PvE
In World of Warcraft the DPS (damage per second) roles are as important as the healers and the tanks.
If you want to be a DPS you would need to know what they do.
So I am going to be explaining to you what classes they are used for, and I hope this will help you with any struggles you are having in picking a DPS class.
So you have made the decision to be the role of a DPS.
Then you got to think of what type of DPS you want to be, do you want to be a melee or a range DPS.
If you want to be a melee DPS, the best classes would be a rogue, warrior, or a death knight.
These have the best DPS as a melee.
But if your one for being a range DPS you might want to be a hunter which is a class that has to do with bows.
With this you get different types of arrows that have different spells that you can shoot with your bow.
Hunters have nice DPS but it might not be for you.
Then the other kind of range DPS is casters.
The best types of casting DPS that have a high amount of DPS would be a mage, druid or an elemental shaman.
As with the paladin it can be a different game play if you change the talents.
Mage and the elemental shamans have the best casting range DPS but there are others like the warlocks who have DOTS (damage over time spells) this is really fun and make DPSing really simple.
With this bit of information I hope it gives you the idea of a DPS class for you.
If you want to be a DPS you would need to know what they do.
So I am going to be explaining to you what classes they are used for, and I hope this will help you with any struggles you are having in picking a DPS class.
So you have made the decision to be the role of a DPS.
Then you got to think of what type of DPS you want to be, do you want to be a melee or a range DPS.
If you want to be a melee DPS, the best classes would be a rogue, warrior, or a death knight.
These have the best DPS as a melee.
But if your one for being a range DPS you might want to be a hunter which is a class that has to do with bows.
With this you get different types of arrows that have different spells that you can shoot with your bow.
Hunters have nice DPS but it might not be for you.
Then the other kind of range DPS is casters.
The best types of casting DPS that have a high amount of DPS would be a mage, druid or an elemental shaman.
As with the paladin it can be a different game play if you change the talents.
Mage and the elemental shamans have the best casting range DPS but there are others like the warlocks who have DOTS (damage over time spells) this is really fun and make DPSing really simple.
With this bit of information I hope it gives you the idea of a DPS class for you.