How to Get Wavy Hair Using Mousse
- 1). Wash and condition your hair. Towel dry, and comb out any tangles. Your hair needs to be wet, but not dripping.
- 2). Squirt a golf-ball-size amount of mousse into your hair. Rub the mousse between your hands. Turn your head upside down, and run the mousse through your hair, from the roots to the ends.
- 3). Flip your head back up. Use the comb to section your hair into four parts: two upper layers and two lower layers. Secure each layer with a hair clip. As you separate the layers, be sure that the mousse in each section is completely absorbed. There should not be any white streaky areas.
- 4). Unclip one upper section. Use the comb to grab a 1-inch section of hair. Comb the hair through, and then holding it at one end, begin twisting until the hair section is twisted end to end. It is important to comb each section through before twisting it. This will remove any tangles, and make sure all the mousse has been equally distributed.
- 5). Roll the twist into a minibun, and secure with a ponytail holder. Continue this process until all hair in the section is twisted and secured with a ponytail holder. Repeat for the opposite upper section, and continue the process on the lower sections.
- 6). Keep the hair twisted until it is completely dry. As it dries, the mousse will hold the structure of the twists. This will create beautiful, flowing waves when the hair is undone. It may take overnight for the hair to dry. If you are in a hurry, use a blow dryer.