Conversational Hypnosis: Is Hypnotism Real?
Most people are pretty skeptical about hypnosis and if you tell them that conversational hypnosis can make significant changes to a persons psychology just through apparently normal conversation they think you're plain nuts. Personally I'm all for skepticism. The very basis of scientific exploration is that you come up with a theory and then try everything you can think of to disprove it. Logically, if you've exhausted all possibilities and the theory remains intact it is probably true.
We need skepticism and should be critical of ourselves and others. This is central to the processes of cognitive and social development. It is the best way to learn what we can prove to be true and that which we can only believe to be true. Now most people will assume that hypnosis is definitely something that some people believe is real. Most people will themselves believe that hypnotism is more to do with showbiz than science. I have to say that, in this regard, most people are wrong.
There can be, in fact, few disciplines that have been so thoroughly examined as hypnosis. More scientific research and medical case study has been devoted to hypnotism and its effects than pretty much any other kind of psychological intervention. It's methods have been clinically proven time and time again. Hypnotism, and especially the combined form of conversational hypnosis, is based upon, not only thousands of years of recorded human history but also the most modern neurological and linguistic science.
So is hypnotism real and, if so how does it work? This is central to the question of it validity and is also the reason why so many people doubt it. The problem is that although science can prove the effect of hypnosis, as this can be seen and can be measured, science still does not fully understand why hypnosis works. There is indeed a gray area where science can not provide definitive answers. We can say that hypnotism is real but we can not say that we fully understand it. Some leading skeptics will leap upon this as "proof" that conversational hypnosis is just a scam.
This argument is nonsensical. As yet we know very little, in relative terms, about outer space. Similarly we are only just starting to explore some parts of our deepest oceans. However, no one in their right mind would suggest that outer space or ocean beds don't exists. We know that they do because we can prove it, it's just that we don't know everything about them. Our exploration of neuro-linguistic science is continuing and every day we learn more and more about the brain functions that are controlled and effected by language. Science continues to theorize and explore because the potential benefits to all our lives are beyond measure. There is clearly a massive potential within our minds that is yet to be utilized and scientific research is trying to unlock it.
Understandably, because of the gaps in our knowledge, it is reasonable to ask "is hypnotism real?" However that does not mean that we don't know anything about hypnosis. We know that the conscious mind deals with every day function such as talking, driving, cooking etc. We also know that the subconscious stores all the information that we acquire when we learn to talk, drive or cook. Without this 'knowledge' our conscious mind would not be able to perform these tasks. Therefore changes made to the subconscious have a profound effect on our understanding and subsequent behavior.
Similarly we can also prove that the conscious mind can be so intensely focused on a task, object or conversation, that it leaves the subconscious relatively exposed. Given our understanding that language is the means by which we communicate and, more importantly from a hypnotic perspective, describe the internal images that enable us to think, it is clear that language effects us on a subconscious level. Conversational hypnosis is simply the use of language to effect change in the subconscious mind of subjects. The technique has been greatly refined by leading scientific research, such as that of Milton Erickson an Richard Bandler, and is now a clearly defined skill that can be learned by anyone interested enough to do so.
So those of us who are familiar with its effectiveness should not be surprised if asked is hypnotism real? We know much but still ave a great deal to learn. That is why conversational hypnosis is not only an incredibly empowering skill to learn but is also an absolutely fascinating subject to study.
We need skepticism and should be critical of ourselves and others. This is central to the processes of cognitive and social development. It is the best way to learn what we can prove to be true and that which we can only believe to be true. Now most people will assume that hypnosis is definitely something that some people believe is real. Most people will themselves believe that hypnotism is more to do with showbiz than science. I have to say that, in this regard, most people are wrong.
There can be, in fact, few disciplines that have been so thoroughly examined as hypnosis. More scientific research and medical case study has been devoted to hypnotism and its effects than pretty much any other kind of psychological intervention. It's methods have been clinically proven time and time again. Hypnotism, and especially the combined form of conversational hypnosis, is based upon, not only thousands of years of recorded human history but also the most modern neurological and linguistic science.
So is hypnotism real and, if so how does it work? This is central to the question of it validity and is also the reason why so many people doubt it. The problem is that although science can prove the effect of hypnosis, as this can be seen and can be measured, science still does not fully understand why hypnosis works. There is indeed a gray area where science can not provide definitive answers. We can say that hypnotism is real but we can not say that we fully understand it. Some leading skeptics will leap upon this as "proof" that conversational hypnosis is just a scam.
This argument is nonsensical. As yet we know very little, in relative terms, about outer space. Similarly we are only just starting to explore some parts of our deepest oceans. However, no one in their right mind would suggest that outer space or ocean beds don't exists. We know that they do because we can prove it, it's just that we don't know everything about them. Our exploration of neuro-linguistic science is continuing and every day we learn more and more about the brain functions that are controlled and effected by language. Science continues to theorize and explore because the potential benefits to all our lives are beyond measure. There is clearly a massive potential within our minds that is yet to be utilized and scientific research is trying to unlock it.
Understandably, because of the gaps in our knowledge, it is reasonable to ask "is hypnotism real?" However that does not mean that we don't know anything about hypnosis. We know that the conscious mind deals with every day function such as talking, driving, cooking etc. We also know that the subconscious stores all the information that we acquire when we learn to talk, drive or cook. Without this 'knowledge' our conscious mind would not be able to perform these tasks. Therefore changes made to the subconscious have a profound effect on our understanding and subsequent behavior.
Similarly we can also prove that the conscious mind can be so intensely focused on a task, object or conversation, that it leaves the subconscious relatively exposed. Given our understanding that language is the means by which we communicate and, more importantly from a hypnotic perspective, describe the internal images that enable us to think, it is clear that language effects us on a subconscious level. Conversational hypnosis is simply the use of language to effect change in the subconscious mind of subjects. The technique has been greatly refined by leading scientific research, such as that of Milton Erickson an Richard Bandler, and is now a clearly defined skill that can be learned by anyone interested enough to do so.
So those of us who are familiar with its effectiveness should not be surprised if asked is hypnotism real? We know much but still ave a great deal to learn. That is why conversational hypnosis is not only an incredibly empowering skill to learn but is also an absolutely fascinating subject to study.