A Breath of Success
Success is like the air we breathe. There is always enough for everyone, never a shortage, we never have to worry about it running out. Sadly, sometimes people don't think the same way about success as they do air. Some people feel there is a shortage of success, that it is something they will never achieve or breathe into their lungs. Those are the people who need to stop and take deep breaths. Those deep breaths are the same as taking action toward those dreams and goals in your life.
Once, when my oldest daughter was younger, she had gotten her foot stuck in the spokes of her bike. By the time I had reached her to help, she was panicked, and sobbing so hard she could hardly breathe. Because of all her pulling and fighting with the bike I couldn't release her foot. It seemed the harder I tried the worse the situation became, by this time she was in hysterics and gasping for air. I finally stopped focusing on her foot and focused on her. I took her face in my hands and forced her to lock her eyes with mine. I told her to take deep breaths with me and stop fighting the bike. Slowly, she started to sync her breathing pattern with mine. Finally, after a few deep breaths, she was no longer fighting and squirming with the bike, which made it easier for me to bend the spokes and safely remove her foot.
Sometimes we do the same thing with our journey to success. We focus so much on just trying to get "unstuck" that we don't breathe, or take action to get to our success. We just fight with the bike spokes in a panic to get unstuck out of our current situation. If we just slow down, and focus on our daily steps, we will get to our destination sooner than we think. We don't have to get caught in the overwhelming craziness of day to day activities, like my daughter did with the bike spokes.
When it comes to our goals and dreams, it is essential that we make a road map to get our final destination. On our way we need to stop and take a deep breath daily. We need to take action every day to get us closer to our goal, even if it's small. You would be amazed how even small actions daily can finally amount to huge accomplishments. It's like filling a jar with marbles, the jar may seem empty at first, but the more marbles you keep adding the fuller the jar gets and before you know it, the jar is completely full. Every time I take any kind of action towards my goals, I add a pink pretty marble to my jar. It doesn't seem like much when I do it, but after a few weeks, I notice a big difference.
Sometimes our goals and dreams in life can seem as empty as a jar with no marbles, but if we take deep breaths and small actions we can fill our jar and reach our success sooner than we think. Many times I still get scared, but that's when I decide to take deep breaths and just drop one pink marble in my jar at a time.
Start filling your jar today. Use whatever color marbles you want. If your dream is to dance, call and get information from a different studio each day. Buy books about dancing. Read other dancer's success stories.
You never know...... your jar may be fuller you think, and soon you will be breathing in your success.
Once, when my oldest daughter was younger, she had gotten her foot stuck in the spokes of her bike. By the time I had reached her to help, she was panicked, and sobbing so hard she could hardly breathe. Because of all her pulling and fighting with the bike I couldn't release her foot. It seemed the harder I tried the worse the situation became, by this time she was in hysterics and gasping for air. I finally stopped focusing on her foot and focused on her. I took her face in my hands and forced her to lock her eyes with mine. I told her to take deep breaths with me and stop fighting the bike. Slowly, she started to sync her breathing pattern with mine. Finally, after a few deep breaths, she was no longer fighting and squirming with the bike, which made it easier for me to bend the spokes and safely remove her foot.
Sometimes we do the same thing with our journey to success. We focus so much on just trying to get "unstuck" that we don't breathe, or take action to get to our success. We just fight with the bike spokes in a panic to get unstuck out of our current situation. If we just slow down, and focus on our daily steps, we will get to our destination sooner than we think. We don't have to get caught in the overwhelming craziness of day to day activities, like my daughter did with the bike spokes.
When it comes to our goals and dreams, it is essential that we make a road map to get our final destination. On our way we need to stop and take a deep breath daily. We need to take action every day to get us closer to our goal, even if it's small. You would be amazed how even small actions daily can finally amount to huge accomplishments. It's like filling a jar with marbles, the jar may seem empty at first, but the more marbles you keep adding the fuller the jar gets and before you know it, the jar is completely full. Every time I take any kind of action towards my goals, I add a pink pretty marble to my jar. It doesn't seem like much when I do it, but after a few weeks, I notice a big difference.
Sometimes our goals and dreams in life can seem as empty as a jar with no marbles, but if we take deep breaths and small actions we can fill our jar and reach our success sooner than we think. Many times I still get scared, but that's when I decide to take deep breaths and just drop one pink marble in my jar at a time.
Start filling your jar today. Use whatever color marbles you want. If your dream is to dance, call and get information from a different studio each day. Buy books about dancing. Read other dancer's success stories.
You never know...... your jar may be fuller you think, and soon you will be breathing in your success.