Hair Loss Supplements - Types of Male Hair Loss Treatments
Men aged forty and above have a very big problem namely: hair loss.
Hundreds of hair loss treatments and hair loss supplements have already been invented, each claiming to be the answer.
But if you are like me and have tried a lot of these products, then you would also know that almost ninety percent of these products produce little or no results at all.
I've also considered other ways of solving my problem.
But sometimes, a lot of these methods seem even more ineffective, uncomfortable, and even silly.
Here are the types of hair loss supplements or ways men can fight hair loss.
I've enumerated their pros and cons for you to decide which is best.
Wigs This is perhaps the most popular way of dealing with the problem of going bald.
But this can also be the most silly.
A lot of wigs can be spotted from miles away.
A wig is merely a device for hiding one's baldness and in the end, everyone close to you will soon find out about your dirty little secret.
This is not even considered as real hair loss supplement because it is the most artificial way of dealing with the problem.
Wigs can also be uncomfortable and a hassle to use every morning because they require special glues that may take time putting on.
Hair Transplants This is perhaps the best way for you to get hair in bald spots where your pores or hair follicles are closed up, dried up, and dead.
However, there are many drawbacks.
You have to be loaded to be able to afford this operation.
And you have to be really loaded to get as much hair on your bald spot if the bald spot is particularly large.
Plus, by all accounts, it is said that this operation is very, very painful.
Imagine a needle repeatedly and rapidly poking your scalp pores.
If you can't handle that excruciating pain, then this is definitely not for you.
You will have to look for an alternative hair loss supplement that is kinder to your head.
Also, the end result can sometimes look ridiculous because the hair transplanted will be far apart.
The hair that is placed there will also have to be harvested from somewhere in your body, in a sense, this just moves hair from one area to another.
Chemical Hair Loss Supplements There are already so many existing in the market that its hard to determine the ones that really work.
However, there actually are those that work.
Look for the ones that have undergone through many lab tests.
The newest studies nowadays have pinpointed that the DHT hormone in humans are responsible for hair loss.
Therefore, hair loss supplements that target this hormone will prove effective in preventing further loss.
There is actually one that exists in the market today called Provillus and it has been fully tested and approve.
Hundreds of hair loss treatments and hair loss supplements have already been invented, each claiming to be the answer.
But if you are like me and have tried a lot of these products, then you would also know that almost ninety percent of these products produce little or no results at all.
I've also considered other ways of solving my problem.
But sometimes, a lot of these methods seem even more ineffective, uncomfortable, and even silly.
Here are the types of hair loss supplements or ways men can fight hair loss.
I've enumerated their pros and cons for you to decide which is best.
Wigs This is perhaps the most popular way of dealing with the problem of going bald.
But this can also be the most silly.
A lot of wigs can be spotted from miles away.
A wig is merely a device for hiding one's baldness and in the end, everyone close to you will soon find out about your dirty little secret.
This is not even considered as real hair loss supplement because it is the most artificial way of dealing with the problem.
Wigs can also be uncomfortable and a hassle to use every morning because they require special glues that may take time putting on.
Hair Transplants This is perhaps the best way for you to get hair in bald spots where your pores or hair follicles are closed up, dried up, and dead.
However, there are many drawbacks.
You have to be loaded to be able to afford this operation.
And you have to be really loaded to get as much hair on your bald spot if the bald spot is particularly large.
Plus, by all accounts, it is said that this operation is very, very painful.
Imagine a needle repeatedly and rapidly poking your scalp pores.
If you can't handle that excruciating pain, then this is definitely not for you.
You will have to look for an alternative hair loss supplement that is kinder to your head.
Also, the end result can sometimes look ridiculous because the hair transplanted will be far apart.
The hair that is placed there will also have to be harvested from somewhere in your body, in a sense, this just moves hair from one area to another.
Chemical Hair Loss Supplements There are already so many existing in the market that its hard to determine the ones that really work.
However, there actually are those that work.
Look for the ones that have undergone through many lab tests.
The newest studies nowadays have pinpointed that the DHT hormone in humans are responsible for hair loss.
Therefore, hair loss supplements that target this hormone will prove effective in preventing further loss.
There is actually one that exists in the market today called Provillus and it has been fully tested and approve.