Tips on Training an Adult Dog to Kennel by Command
- The first step in kennel training by command, according to, is to introduce the kennel to the dog by using a favorite toy or treat to reinforce the kennel as something positive. Place the dog in the kennel if he is a small breed or lead him in with a leash if he is a large breed. Give him a treat and lots of praise once he is in the kennel. Close the door and supervise him until you're sure he is comfortable and will not injure himself in a panic to get out.
- Call the dog over to you while holding a treat. Point to the open kennel and tell the dog to kennel-up or another phrase you prefer to use. At this point the dog should go into the kennel. Use a lead or scoot him inside the first few times until he gets the idea. Give him lots of encouragement and praise even when you're physically assisting him. It shouldn't take him very long to catch on.
- Once your dog has mastered the kennel-up command inside your home, place the kennel into the car. Open the door of the kennel all the way so it looks open and inviting to your pet. Give the command to kennel-up and once your pet is inside the kennel, close the kennel and car doors. Get inside with the pet and drive around the block to see how he does. Reassure him if he shows signs of stress. Praise him for being good and give him a treat after you return and let him out.
- Your dog's kennel is his little house, so make it cozy and be sure his favorite toys are inside with him whenever you leave him alone to keep him from getting lonely. However, never leave toys that are easily destroyed with an unattended dog, as the dog could tear them apart and choke on the pieces.
Shop for a kennel that is the correct size for your animal. Make sure that it's roomy enough to accommodate the dog, a towel or small blanket and his toys.
Introducing the Kennel
Training to Kennel on Command
Using the Kennel-up Command When Traveling