Can You Make a Playhouse Out of a Shed?
- While you may find it possible to remedy even structural deficiencies in the shed you plan to convert, you need to ensure you can do so adequately to provide safe conditions for children's play. You'll need to pay particular attention to such things as rotted wood or rusted metal in the structure of the shed or any manufactured flooring or ceiling the shed incorporates. Other hazards such as sharp protrusions may also make the conversion of a particular shed into a playhouse an impractical project. You may find it possible to repair some hazards, while other, such as rust and rot, remain problematic unless you replace entire sections of the existing shed.
- Older sheds may involve less cost in terms of financial outlay, but they may necessitate a greater investment of time and effort for conversion than acquiring a new shed kit. Even older sheds may involve a considerable outlay in terms of materials purchase if you need to make significant structural repairs. Even if you like the appearance of an older shed, you likely can duplicate it through new construction if the existing shed requires too much work to safely transform it into a playhouse. In the event of significant work to remediate an existing structure, consider whether a replacement project might make a more cost-effective alternative.
- Another consideration you need to make regarding the conversion of a shed into a playhouse involves planned use once you've realized the transformation. Particularly, you need to consider climate issues. For example, sheds designed originally for storage purposes may prove too hot during summer months or in a hot climate, or too cold during winter months or in a cold climate for children to use as a playhouse. You may still find using the shed as a playhouse feasible if you plan for the children to use the structure only at certain times of the year. Also, you may find it possible to adapt the shed to climate conditions, such as installing a solar heating system to accommodate cold-weather use.
- Regardless of your starting point in building the shed, an important consideration is who will participate in the project. You may find it most enjoyable when you make children part of the construction project. Older children may have the ability to help with some of the actual building, and even younger children can participate in some of the work after construction, decorating the playhouse with window curtains and other interior and exterior accents.
Conversion: Initial Condition
Planned Use
Project Participation