Progesterone Infertility - Its Role in Pregnancy
If you've failed to become pregnant despite all your attempts, it may be due to a condition known as hormonal imbalance.
Most people think of estrogen when hormones are mentioned.
However, progesterone is an important hormone that plays a crucial role in our reproductive system; a deficiency may cause chemical complications within the body.
Progesterone is known to be a multifunctional hormone that plays diverse roles during the course of reproduction.
It helps in preparing the eggs for the process of ovulation and is also responsible for preparing the endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized egg.
Having adequate progesterone in the body is important in order to have a healthy pregnancy.
However, if there is a lack of progesterone or an elevated estrogen level it could lead to miscarriages.
The balance of estrogen and progesterone is vital for conception and a healthy pregnancy.
These levels can be easily tested by your OB/GYN.
Progesterone is undeniably one of the most crucial hormones responsible for some of the intricate female reproductive processes.
The eggs within the ovaries develop progesterone post ovulation.
This is one factor on which the complete menstrual cycle of a woman is dependent.
This process prepares the uterus for the process of conception and also helps in thickening the endometrial lining.
A deficiency in this hormone will prevent the thickening of the lining, thereby causing sluffing and irregular periods and the basal temperature is also increased thus preventing the fertilization of the egg.
This in turn actually eliminates the primary source of progesterone.
When the body fails to produce the hormone in the required quantity, you end up having a short luteal phase.
The luteal phase should last for about 2 weeks and a shorter period than that would prevent the full course of ovulation from occurring thereby preventing pregnancy as well.
Because a woman's luteal phase is very consistent it can be used to identify a successful conception.
Even if there is fertilization at that stage the progesterone levels may get out of balance.
But, this will not last long and there could be a miscarriage at any point of time.
If you are experiencing conception but are not able to carry to term then you may consider monitoring your hormone levels closely during pregnancy.
Detecting progesterone infertility isn't usually one of the first areas to be addressed for someone experiencing infertility.
However, once detected, there are ways to boost the progesterone levels in the body synthetically.
Sometimes, the symptoms that indicate infertility may also be related to excessive estrogen levels in the body.
It is all a matter of thorough evaluation after which the doctor will be able to suggest the necessary course of treatment for the condition.
You should speak to your doctor regarding the different options you have for treating this condition.
It isn't really impossible to deal with progesterone infertility any more considering the latest advancements in the field of science and technology.
Treatments are very effective and the quicker you get started the better so that your body will be able to adjust and prepare you for conception.
Progesterone infertility once diagnosed can be easily treated.
If you are experiencing unusual or inconsistent periods check with your doctor to have your hormone levels checked out.
This may be just the ticket to preparing you for a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Most people think of estrogen when hormones are mentioned.
However, progesterone is an important hormone that plays a crucial role in our reproductive system; a deficiency may cause chemical complications within the body.
Progesterone is known to be a multifunctional hormone that plays diverse roles during the course of reproduction.
It helps in preparing the eggs for the process of ovulation and is also responsible for preparing the endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized egg.
Having adequate progesterone in the body is important in order to have a healthy pregnancy.
However, if there is a lack of progesterone or an elevated estrogen level it could lead to miscarriages.
The balance of estrogen and progesterone is vital for conception and a healthy pregnancy.
These levels can be easily tested by your OB/GYN.
Progesterone is undeniably one of the most crucial hormones responsible for some of the intricate female reproductive processes.
The eggs within the ovaries develop progesterone post ovulation.
This is one factor on which the complete menstrual cycle of a woman is dependent.
This process prepares the uterus for the process of conception and also helps in thickening the endometrial lining.
A deficiency in this hormone will prevent the thickening of the lining, thereby causing sluffing and irregular periods and the basal temperature is also increased thus preventing the fertilization of the egg.
This in turn actually eliminates the primary source of progesterone.
When the body fails to produce the hormone in the required quantity, you end up having a short luteal phase.
The luteal phase should last for about 2 weeks and a shorter period than that would prevent the full course of ovulation from occurring thereby preventing pregnancy as well.
Because a woman's luteal phase is very consistent it can be used to identify a successful conception.
Even if there is fertilization at that stage the progesterone levels may get out of balance.
But, this will not last long and there could be a miscarriage at any point of time.
If you are experiencing conception but are not able to carry to term then you may consider monitoring your hormone levels closely during pregnancy.
Detecting progesterone infertility isn't usually one of the first areas to be addressed for someone experiencing infertility.
However, once detected, there are ways to boost the progesterone levels in the body synthetically.
Sometimes, the symptoms that indicate infertility may also be related to excessive estrogen levels in the body.
It is all a matter of thorough evaluation after which the doctor will be able to suggest the necessary course of treatment for the condition.
You should speak to your doctor regarding the different options you have for treating this condition.
It isn't really impossible to deal with progesterone infertility any more considering the latest advancements in the field of science and technology.
Treatments are very effective and the quicker you get started the better so that your body will be able to adjust and prepare you for conception.
Progesterone infertility once diagnosed can be easily treated.
If you are experiencing unusual or inconsistent periods check with your doctor to have your hormone levels checked out.
This may be just the ticket to preparing you for a happy and healthy pregnancy.