How to Make an Owl Birthday Banner
- 1). Each owl will have a letter of the birthday banner on it, so calculate the number of owls you need to make by counting the number of characters, including spaces, in the message you want to write on the banner. If desired, add two to the result to allow for spacer owls at the ends.
- 2). Cut out large ovals out of construction paper, one for the body of each owl. The ovals should be as big as you want the owls to be in the banner.
- 3). Cut out tan triangles and a tan or white ovals, one for each owl's head and belly. The triangle should be about as wide as the body, with the top corner directly above the center point of the base. The oval for the belly should be about 2/3 the size of the body, the large brown oval.
- 4). Cut two white or yellow circles for each owl as eyes. Each eye should be 1/4 to 1/3 the width of the body. Draw black dots in the centers of the eyes to make pupils.
- 5). Cut two small yellow circles as feet and a small yellow triangle as a beak for each owl. The feet should be no more than 1/4 the width of the body and the beak should fit into the point of the larger triangle. Turn each large triangle head so it points downward and glue a small triangle beak into the bottom point.
- 6). Begin assembling each owl by gluing the belly oval onto the front of the body oval near the bottom. Glue the two feet to the back side of the bottom edge of the belly oval. Glue the large triangular head at the top of the body, with the point pointing downwards to overlap the belly. Glue two eyes onto each head about midway up.
- 7). Punch two holes in each owl at the upper two corners of the large triangle head. String the owls together by looping 4-inch pieces of ribbon through the right hole in one owl and the left hole in another. Tie longer loops through the holes at either end of the banner to hang the banner.
- 8). Write one character of your birthday message on the belly of each owl using a wide-tipped marker. Remember to leave a blank owl between words so that the message does not run together.