7 Deadly Diet Mistakes With Real World Solutions (Plus 7 Magical Health Secrets that Work)
In a world with so much information overload, we often forget the very simple things that we can do each day to ensure a healthy life. This article will not be preaching something you don't already know. Rather, it simply reminds you of how easy it can be to regain the healthy life you so deserve.
The first seven tips are just a few of the more well-known, well-documented deadly diet mistakes, followed by proven solutions that are easy to find. The second seven tips are reminders too that life really can be fun, healthy and easy. All it takes is a decision. Go ahead and print it out and stick it on your refrigerator--or someplace you can see it every day--until it becomes a habit.
1. Stay away from white sugar and synthetic sugars.
There is a mountain of data that has long since proven the health destroying nature of these substances.
Replace with: honey, agave nectar, stevia. Also add cinnamon. It helps to balance blood sugar levels.
2. Stay away from white flour.
White flour is bleached, which the body has a difficult time processing. Also many people are intolerant of gluten.
Replace with: If you have to have baked goods from time to time, use quinoa flour, or spelt flour. It's easy!
3. Lower carbs. Translation: eliminate white bread and pastas, and white rice.
Replace with: sprouted grain bread, Essene bread, quinoa (rice), and buckwheat soba noodles. After a while, you really won't miss any of it.
4. Hey sweet tooth! stay away from cookies, pies, donuts, cakes.
Replace with: organic dark chocolate. If it's not sweet enough, drizzle with some agave nectar. A little goes a long way for satisfaction. Or raw fruit. Even a nice warm cup of water with honey and cinnamon. You can do it.
5. Soda pop junkies, eliminate it.
Replace with: water. Splash some fresh lemon in the water or slice cucumbers and lemon in a pitcher. After a while you will despise the taste of soda pop. Simple as that.
6. Sodium, salt. Lower it. Stay away from iodized salt.
Replace with: Celtic or Himalayan sea salt. In moderation. If you love a salty soy sauce taste, try Bragg's Liquid Aminos, found in most health food stores.
7. Stay away from fried foods like the plague. Especially breaded and fried.
Replace with: baked, steamed, boiled. It's just as easy to cook in these ways, and you can even taste the food better. Your health is worth it.
For balance, here's the SEVEN MAGICAL SECRETS to a lifetime of health:
1. Drink pure water
2. Eat your veggies and your fruits
3. Get plenty of sleep
4. Get outside in nature
5. Work out with Russian kettlebells (fun and the most efficient for cardio and overall health)
6. Enjoy your life
7. Have fun!
Does all of this sound great, but you are not sure where to meet others to help encourage you along the way?
That is perfectly understandable. There is an easy solution for that pain too. Visit Dragon Door and you will see the smiling, glowing faces of thousands of people just like you who transformed their lives and health with Russian Kettlebells, fitness and diet tips, and also formed a community of support for each other, keeping each other on track and happy. Peruse the countless testimonials and you will find happy people of all ages and fitness levels joining together and transforming their lives. Join us. Become one of those smiling, healthy faces. We welcome you.
The first seven tips are just a few of the more well-known, well-documented deadly diet mistakes, followed by proven solutions that are easy to find. The second seven tips are reminders too that life really can be fun, healthy and easy. All it takes is a decision. Go ahead and print it out and stick it on your refrigerator--or someplace you can see it every day--until it becomes a habit.
1. Stay away from white sugar and synthetic sugars.
There is a mountain of data that has long since proven the health destroying nature of these substances.
Replace with: honey, agave nectar, stevia. Also add cinnamon. It helps to balance blood sugar levels.
2. Stay away from white flour.
White flour is bleached, which the body has a difficult time processing. Also many people are intolerant of gluten.
Replace with: If you have to have baked goods from time to time, use quinoa flour, or spelt flour. It's easy!
3. Lower carbs. Translation: eliminate white bread and pastas, and white rice.
Replace with: sprouted grain bread, Essene bread, quinoa (rice), and buckwheat soba noodles. After a while, you really won't miss any of it.
4. Hey sweet tooth! stay away from cookies, pies, donuts, cakes.
Replace with: organic dark chocolate. If it's not sweet enough, drizzle with some agave nectar. A little goes a long way for satisfaction. Or raw fruit. Even a nice warm cup of water with honey and cinnamon. You can do it.
5. Soda pop junkies, eliminate it.
Replace with: water. Splash some fresh lemon in the water or slice cucumbers and lemon in a pitcher. After a while you will despise the taste of soda pop. Simple as that.
6. Sodium, salt. Lower it. Stay away from iodized salt.
Replace with: Celtic or Himalayan sea salt. In moderation. If you love a salty soy sauce taste, try Bragg's Liquid Aminos, found in most health food stores.
7. Stay away from fried foods like the plague. Especially breaded and fried.
Replace with: baked, steamed, boiled. It's just as easy to cook in these ways, and you can even taste the food better. Your health is worth it.
For balance, here's the SEVEN MAGICAL SECRETS to a lifetime of health:
1. Drink pure water
2. Eat your veggies and your fruits
3. Get plenty of sleep
4. Get outside in nature
5. Work out with Russian kettlebells (fun and the most efficient for cardio and overall health)
6. Enjoy your life
7. Have fun!
Does all of this sound great, but you are not sure where to meet others to help encourage you along the way?
That is perfectly understandable. There is an easy solution for that pain too. Visit Dragon Door and you will see the smiling, glowing faces of thousands of people just like you who transformed their lives and health with Russian Kettlebells, fitness and diet tips, and also formed a community of support for each other, keeping each other on track and happy. Peruse the countless testimonials and you will find happy people of all ages and fitness levels joining together and transforming their lives. Join us. Become one of those smiling, healthy faces. We welcome you.