Facebook: The Social Media Marketing Phenomenon?
In 2011 there was an increase on the number of businesses, whether small or large, businesses need to realise how effective social media marketing can be, and specifically Facebook.
And they have every reason to embrace this social networking phenomenon.
The number of users grows each year and in the US the number of users topped Google's weekly traffic, and has added around 200 million users in less than a year.
Around 20 million people in the UK have a Facebook account, so it makes sense for businesses to get involved in this social networking, but just having a page is not enough.
Your page is really what you put into it.
If you make your page interesting, people can then engage with it as well as be entertained.
Your follower number will increase ultimately leading to an increase your brand awareness.
If you don't do anything with your page and ignore your customer queries, then your reputation could end up damaged.
They key is to show a great customer service, and it's important to keep your followers happy.
Ignoring your Facebook page can be an extremely bad move.
The 'like' button was probably the most important thing about your Facebook page, as it showed how popular your page was, and the more popular your page is, the better your business will look.
And what better way to look better than your competitors? Be more popular than them! Facebook has also made the 'talking about this' figure visible and this allows you to take note of who was taking note of your business, and in a lot of cases who wasn't...
this can benefit your business greatly.
Not all of your followers will be listening to what you have to say, but the 'talking about this' figure shows who is engaging with your page, and over a seven day period.
Building a Facebook following can be a great achievement, especially if you don't have a budget to throw at your advertising page, so once you gain followers it's important to look after them, you should create content that encourages people to communicate with your brand and continue to grow.
The news feed is one of the best ways to engage with your followers.
You can post images, videos, drop links and share lengthy pieces of text.
The best way to encourage engagement is when by asking a short question.
For example if your business is to do with pets, then perhaps ask your followers what their favourite snack is.
It's surprising how happy people are to share their stories.
Facebook likes pages that have an active community and the Page Edge Rank feature can determine if your page is popular enough to appear in their news feed, just because someone likes your page doesn't mean that it will appear in their newsfeed.
If a follower has never engaged or interacted with your page/wall then Facebook may decided to not feature your posts in their news feed at all.
Interaction is crucial.
Engagement is the key to any social media marketing campaign, and if you want to market socially then you should be social.
And they have every reason to embrace this social networking phenomenon.
The number of users grows each year and in the US the number of users topped Google's weekly traffic, and has added around 200 million users in less than a year.
Around 20 million people in the UK have a Facebook account, so it makes sense for businesses to get involved in this social networking, but just having a page is not enough.
Your page is really what you put into it.
If you make your page interesting, people can then engage with it as well as be entertained.
Your follower number will increase ultimately leading to an increase your brand awareness.
If you don't do anything with your page and ignore your customer queries, then your reputation could end up damaged.
They key is to show a great customer service, and it's important to keep your followers happy.
Ignoring your Facebook page can be an extremely bad move.
The 'like' button was probably the most important thing about your Facebook page, as it showed how popular your page was, and the more popular your page is, the better your business will look.
And what better way to look better than your competitors? Be more popular than them! Facebook has also made the 'talking about this' figure visible and this allows you to take note of who was taking note of your business, and in a lot of cases who wasn't...
this can benefit your business greatly.
Not all of your followers will be listening to what you have to say, but the 'talking about this' figure shows who is engaging with your page, and over a seven day period.
Building a Facebook following can be a great achievement, especially if you don't have a budget to throw at your advertising page, so once you gain followers it's important to look after them, you should create content that encourages people to communicate with your brand and continue to grow.
The news feed is one of the best ways to engage with your followers.
You can post images, videos, drop links and share lengthy pieces of text.
The best way to encourage engagement is when by asking a short question.
For example if your business is to do with pets, then perhaps ask your followers what their favourite snack is.
It's surprising how happy people are to share their stories.
Facebook likes pages that have an active community and the Page Edge Rank feature can determine if your page is popular enough to appear in their news feed, just because someone likes your page doesn't mean that it will appear in their newsfeed.
If a follower has never engaged or interacted with your page/wall then Facebook may decided to not feature your posts in their news feed at all.
Interaction is crucial.
Engagement is the key to any social media marketing campaign, and if you want to market socially then you should be social.