Balancing Family and Career - Self Care - Are You Taking Care of You?
We are taking care of our family and career but are we taking care of us? Aahh...
the successful woman who has it all -- family and career.
The mom.
The wife.
The daughter.
The sister.
The manager.
The supervisor.
The salesperson.
The carpool driver.
The organizer.
The volunteer...
I could go on and on with all of the titles we as women take on but I think you get the picture.
Most of us end up here without realizing how it happened.
We strive to be the perfect parents - volunteering to help at school, sports, scouts, and church.
We want to be a valued employee so we find ourselves on committees, taking on that extra project; we want to be seen as accomplished in our profession so we join professional associations.
In trying to achieve it all we continue to push ourselves more and more.
Many of us have perfected the art of multi-tasking; we can juggle ten things at once.
It is no wonder we are so tired at the end of the day.
We have so much to do and others to take care of that we often forget ourselves somewhere along the way.
Now is the perfect time to find ourselves once again; to claim our own time and space and to begin taking care of ourselves.
Ensuring self care is important not only to us but to those around us.
Remember the old adage of putting your own oxygen mask on first so that you are able to help others with theirs.
If we do not take care of ourselves, what happens? Are we truly happy? Are we living the life we truly envision? If we are not fulfilled and happy, how can our children be happy? What kind of example are we setting for them? When we take care of ourselves and we are happy, think how much happier those around us will be.
Imagine a time when you were overtired and grouchy.
You worked all day, rushed to pick up the kids on time and then home to prepare and cook dinner.
You finally sit down to eat and your child spills their juice.
It is not just the juice.
The juice spills onto their dinner plate, wetting everything you just served them, and it is running off the edge of the table now and onto the floor.
How do we react? Now think about it in a different way.
You are well rested and happy where you are in life.
You still worked all day, still rushed to pick up the kids on time and came home to prepare and cook dinner.
You finally sit down to eat and your child spills their juice; same situation but now you are well rested, feel great about where you are in life.
I bet your reaction is much different when we have taken the time for self care.
Learning to balance family and career is not as easy as it sounds but it can be done.
We as women are strong and capable.
With some planning, strategizing and self care, we all can be happy and in a place where we want to be in life and with our families and careers.
Do it for your children; do it for yourself.
When we are happy, the people around us are happy.
If you are one of the many people to suddenly realize you are in a place where you need to start taking a look at self care, here are a few basic ideas to get you started towards taking action.
Self care tips: •Do something just for you (something you enjoy) •Take a power nap (do not underestimate the effect of a 15-20 minute nap) •Step back when you need a breather •Exercise to music (make it fun) •Eat healthy Now, sit back, put your feet up and relax a bit (but do not pour the kids any juice!).
Make the choice right now to do something for yourself.
the successful woman who has it all -- family and career.
The mom.
The wife.
The daughter.
The sister.
The manager.
The supervisor.
The salesperson.
The carpool driver.
The organizer.
The volunteer...
I could go on and on with all of the titles we as women take on but I think you get the picture.
Most of us end up here without realizing how it happened.
We strive to be the perfect parents - volunteering to help at school, sports, scouts, and church.
We want to be a valued employee so we find ourselves on committees, taking on that extra project; we want to be seen as accomplished in our profession so we join professional associations.
In trying to achieve it all we continue to push ourselves more and more.
Many of us have perfected the art of multi-tasking; we can juggle ten things at once.
It is no wonder we are so tired at the end of the day.
We have so much to do and others to take care of that we often forget ourselves somewhere along the way.
Now is the perfect time to find ourselves once again; to claim our own time and space and to begin taking care of ourselves.
Ensuring self care is important not only to us but to those around us.
Remember the old adage of putting your own oxygen mask on first so that you are able to help others with theirs.
If we do not take care of ourselves, what happens? Are we truly happy? Are we living the life we truly envision? If we are not fulfilled and happy, how can our children be happy? What kind of example are we setting for them? When we take care of ourselves and we are happy, think how much happier those around us will be.
Imagine a time when you were overtired and grouchy.
You worked all day, rushed to pick up the kids on time and then home to prepare and cook dinner.
You finally sit down to eat and your child spills their juice.
It is not just the juice.
The juice spills onto their dinner plate, wetting everything you just served them, and it is running off the edge of the table now and onto the floor.
How do we react? Now think about it in a different way.
You are well rested and happy where you are in life.
You still worked all day, still rushed to pick up the kids on time and came home to prepare and cook dinner.
You finally sit down to eat and your child spills their juice; same situation but now you are well rested, feel great about where you are in life.
I bet your reaction is much different when we have taken the time for self care.
Learning to balance family and career is not as easy as it sounds but it can be done.
We as women are strong and capable.
With some planning, strategizing and self care, we all can be happy and in a place where we want to be in life and with our families and careers.
Do it for your children; do it for yourself.
When we are happy, the people around us are happy.
If you are one of the many people to suddenly realize you are in a place where you need to start taking a look at self care, here are a few basic ideas to get you started towards taking action.
Self care tips: •Do something just for you (something you enjoy) •Take a power nap (do not underestimate the effect of a 15-20 minute nap) •Step back when you need a breather •Exercise to music (make it fun) •Eat healthy Now, sit back, put your feet up and relax a bit (but do not pour the kids any juice!).
Make the choice right now to do something for yourself.