Revealed - Easy Ways to Get Increased Page Impressions
Believe it or not, achieving higher page impressions is simple.
A page impression describes the number of times a specific page on a website is visited.
Unlike unique visitors, page impressions include repeat visitors, multiple clicks on the same page, and page refreshing.
Page impression matters because businesses are willing to pay more to advertise on sites with a high number of page impersonation.
The higher you can boost your total page views, the better.
Follow these simple tips to get more page impersonation every day.
o Update your content daily.
By regularly providing new articles and information for readers, you encourage your visitors to come back frequently.
The more they come back to see what you have to offer, the higher your total page impressions will climb.
o Provide links to related content on your site.
By linking to similar content, you encourage visitors who are already on your page to click around.
Linking to content within your own site is also beneficial to Search Engine Optimization.
o Create inbound links to specific pages within your site.
Do not direct all of your back links to the main page.
Instead, create keyword targeted back links to multiple pages on your site.
This will increase your total traffic, and thus your daily number of page impressions.
o Categorize your content.
Outlining the categories you use to sort articles on the side of your webpage will entice visitors to click and read more content.
Choose categories that will appeal to your niche audience for best results.
A page impression describes the number of times a specific page on a website is visited.
Unlike unique visitors, page impressions include repeat visitors, multiple clicks on the same page, and page refreshing.
Page impression matters because businesses are willing to pay more to advertise on sites with a high number of page impersonation.
The higher you can boost your total page views, the better.
Follow these simple tips to get more page impersonation every day.
o Update your content daily.
By regularly providing new articles and information for readers, you encourage your visitors to come back frequently.
The more they come back to see what you have to offer, the higher your total page impressions will climb.
o Provide links to related content on your site.
By linking to similar content, you encourage visitors who are already on your page to click around.
Linking to content within your own site is also beneficial to Search Engine Optimization.
o Create inbound links to specific pages within your site.
Do not direct all of your back links to the main page.
Instead, create keyword targeted back links to multiple pages on your site.
This will increase your total traffic, and thus your daily number of page impressions.
o Categorize your content.
Outlining the categories you use to sort articles on the side of your webpage will entice visitors to click and read more content.
Choose categories that will appeal to your niche audience for best results.