Steve Jobs Biography Isteve: A Book Of Jobs Releases Next Year
Steve Jobs is finally coming up with an original biography of him and has given all the access to writer Walter Isaacson. The Apple co-founder and CEO, Steve Jobs life, happenings and the times will be in volume entitled as iSteve: The Book of Jobs. Although the punch line of the book is yet to be received. On Monday it was announced that the biography will be published in early 2012 by Simon and Schuster.
The former managing editor of Time, Isaacson who also penned the biographies of Albert Einstein named as Einstein: His Life and Universe and Benjamin Franklins Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Jobs told that Apple did not have sufficient resources to revivify James Boswell and he picked up Isaacson.
Everything began in the year 1976. It was during that year Steve Jobs along with Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak joined Mike Markkula Jr. who was the semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer has mutually found Apple. Jobs and Wozniak had been friends for many years. The company began to expand and there by needed some experienced executives to manage the expansion.
During 1978, Apple Company has recruited Mike Scott from National Semiconductor to serve as CEO. Later in 1983, good days came for John Sculley at the time he worked in the Pepsi-Cola. Steve has asked him whether he would like to sell the sugar water for the rest of his life or does he need to come along with him and change the world. After one year they had aired a Super Bowl television ad titles as 1984.
The first commercially successful small computer with GUI (Graphic User Interface) was developed by Jef Raskin and named it as Macintosh; this was later taken over by Steve Jobs. Apples fate has been uniquely connected to Steve Jobs. In 1997, after a decade of absence, he has introduced the successful products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Steve went off on medical leave in January but has retained his title of the chief executive at Apple. During 2004 he underwent a pancreatic cancer and during 2009 he received a liver transplantation. Currently he has not revealed the details on his health issues. In March 2011 he has made sudden surprise onstage appearance for the announcement of the iPad 2.
Steve Jobs biography writer, Isaacson has been working on Steves biography since 2009 and has interviewed Steve and the members of his family including the colleagues at Apple and competitors. iSteve has been thought to be in the works since February 2010 after the reports has come that Isaacson has been invited by Steve Jobs in order to tour his childhood home.
The former managing editor of Time, Isaacson who also penned the biographies of Albert Einstein named as Einstein: His Life and Universe and Benjamin Franklins Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Jobs told that Apple did not have sufficient resources to revivify James Boswell and he picked up Isaacson.
Everything began in the year 1976. It was during that year Steve Jobs along with Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak joined Mike Markkula Jr. who was the semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer has mutually found Apple. Jobs and Wozniak had been friends for many years. The company began to expand and there by needed some experienced executives to manage the expansion.
During 1978, Apple Company has recruited Mike Scott from National Semiconductor to serve as CEO. Later in 1983, good days came for John Sculley at the time he worked in the Pepsi-Cola. Steve has asked him whether he would like to sell the sugar water for the rest of his life or does he need to come along with him and change the world. After one year they had aired a Super Bowl television ad titles as 1984.
The first commercially successful small computer with GUI (Graphic User Interface) was developed by Jef Raskin and named it as Macintosh; this was later taken over by Steve Jobs. Apples fate has been uniquely connected to Steve Jobs. In 1997, after a decade of absence, he has introduced the successful products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Steve went off on medical leave in January but has retained his title of the chief executive at Apple. During 2004 he underwent a pancreatic cancer and during 2009 he received a liver transplantation. Currently he has not revealed the details on his health issues. In March 2011 he has made sudden surprise onstage appearance for the announcement of the iPad 2.
Steve Jobs biography writer, Isaacson has been working on Steves biography since 2009 and has interviewed Steve and the members of his family including the colleagues at Apple and competitors. iSteve has been thought to be in the works since February 2010 after the reports has come that Isaacson has been invited by Steve Jobs in order to tour his childhood home.